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Mental decline in old age

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Mental capabilities decline from middle age onwards, so why are people happy to elect 70 year old politicians?


We did well electing David Cameron, born in 1966, not quite as well with Theresa May, she is 10 years older.

Donald Trump is another 10 years older, born in 1946. Perhaps that why why Bernie Sanders failed to beat Clinton, he was born in 1941.


Can a posters age be guessed, by their fixed views, or even their old fashioned views?

Do people over the age of 65 still have a flexible thought process?


"Psychologists used to believe that greater prejudice among older adults was due to the fact that older people grew up in less egalitarian times. In contrast to this view, we have gathered evidence that normal changes to the brain in late adulthood can lead to greater prejudice among older adults."



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Mental capabilities decline from middle age onwards, so why are people happy to elect 70 year old politicians?


We did well electing David Cameron, born in 1966, not quite as well with Theresa May, she is 10 years older.

Donald Trump is another 10 years older, born in 1946. Perhaps that why why Bernie Sanders failed to beat Clinton, he was born in 1941.


Can a posters age be guessed, by their fixed views, or even their old fashioned views?

Do people over the age of 65 still have a flexible thought process?


"Psychologists used to believe that greater prejudice among older adults was due to the fact that older people grew up in less egalitarian times. In contrast to this view, we have gathered evidence that normal changes to the brain in late adulthood can lead to greater prejudice among older adults."




So what you are saying is we are far better off sticking with Theresa May than risking Jeremy Corbyn. That makes sense.

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Mental capabilities decline from middle age onwards, so why are people happy to elect 70 year old politicians?


On that basis you would have preferred Hitler to Churchill.


Cameron and Blair were both too young and inexperienced to be PM. Older politicians have more experience to draw from. Professional politicians who go straight from university to a short-term job to Westminster to Downing Street have little experience of life outside politics to draw a wider experience of life from.

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Ok then guess my age

I voted remain in the referendum

I am not prejudiced against people of colour or against anyones religion.

I am an atheist.

I am not old fashioned.

I do sometimes forget words and where I left my glasses.


You have just described me and my views

I am in my late 70s. How about you

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