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Turkey claims USA is supporting ISIS

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Having read the article it talks about a draft document that hasnt been finalised, which provides a framework for future agreements PSA's. They have to decide those on a regional basis with companies. They can choose not to in which case investment will not be forthcoming to develop the fields and increase oil production. They have a choice.


Read the whole article deano and take your time.


'$2 trillion Estimated cost of the Iraq war to the US, according to the Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz'.


If it was about oil then its gong to take them a long time to earn that back. Big bad UK and USA.


They did want regime change to prevent aggressive conflict in the region i.e Saddam invading other countries. If you recall he had big plans to attack the gulf states again, which would have had a big impat on the world economy, whether you are bothered or not.

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This is yet another sad case of my enemy's enemy is my friend until my enemy's enemy turns against us in which case my enemy's enemy is now my friend.


Turkey has been supporting ISIS. They have been buying stolen oil from ISIS. They do this because the single most direct and effective enemy of ISIS is the Kurdish Peshmerga. Turkey hates the Kurds more than they hate ISIS, therefore they support ISIS.


Turkey is the most destabilising nation in the region at the moment. They should be told to get in line or else have their money cut off.

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Even IF Assad was not democratically elected, what business is it of ours? seriously, what has it got to do with us?

We have been sending arms to the Saudis, the Saudis have been supplying the rebels/terrorists...this is common knowledge, the US have confirmed this, its no big secret

Why did the usa not take up the offer from the Russians to join forces and fight isis together? why did they refuse?

the russians are fighting non isis rebels you say? seriously mate, you dont have a clue, the west are supplying these rebels who are fighting Assad, and the usa admit they are not exactly sure who they are....of course they know who they are, they just cant say it...its isis...its the ones that they say they are fighting....and they are supplying them with weapons, they are doing the Americans dirty work for them, thats what they always do, get other people to fight for them....and you still think its about democracy ???


That would be why we didnt get actively involved. we tend not to like leaders who shoot and bomb their own people in peaeful protests. the saudis can buy arms from whoever they wish. If there were significant arms being sent then you would be seeing armoured vehichles and anti tank weapons.


Why would the US want to take uo forces with Russia who are playing their own game?

As soon as they got there they were not bombing ISIS at all, but the syrian opposition.

Why would the US want to de facto be helping Assad? Why would they need to share intelligence with the Russians? I cna quite understand why they wouldnt want to share inteligence or give them more legitimacy.


Makes me lol everytime you go into the you dont have a clue routine. You are the one claiming its all about democracy. I asked you for the list of countries where the west has toppled genuine democracies.


You seem to forget the only reason the US has limited involvement in Syria is to attack ISIS. If it was willing to get seriously involved by attacking Assad, the same way that Russia has attacked the opposition then Assad would have lost many months ago and long before Russia ever got involved. Because there is no other involvement then the resy makes them bystandes to the cvil war.


It hasnt done it because there is no coherent opposition to support and there is no will to put troops on the ground. Btw have you worked out what difference it makes having troops on the ground in warfare compared to just an air force? you seemd to be having difficulties with that one. keep up with your conspiracy theories and fantasie deano.


---------- Post added 30-12-2016 at 21:50 ----------


This is yet another sad case of my enemy's enemy is my friend until my enemy's enemy turns against us in which case my enemy's enemy is now my friend.


Turkey has been supporting ISIS. They have been buying stolen oil from ISIS. They do this because the single most direct and effective enemy of ISIS is the Kurdish Peshmerga. Turkey hates the Kurds more than they hate ISIS, therefore they support ISIS.


Turkey is the most destabilising nation in the region at the moment. They should be told to get in line or else have their money cut off.


Everyone buys ISIS oil including the Russians, Assad, the opposition and Turkey. the FT did a very interesting article showing who was buying it and after the bribes its everyone because people like to make money. Ordinary people also need it for cooking, heating and power.

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That would be why we didnt get actively involved. we tend not to like leaders who shoot and bomb their own people in peaeful protests. the saudis can buy arms from whoever they wish. If there were significant arms being sent then you would be seeing armoured vehichles and anti tank weapons.


Why would the US want to take uo forces with Russia who are playing their own game?

As soon as they got there they were not bombing ISIS at all, but the syrian opposition.

Why would the US want to de facto be helping Assad? Why would they need to share intelligence with the Russians? I cna quite understand why they wouldnt want to share inteligence or give them more legitimacy.


Makes me lol everytime you go into the you dont have a clue routine. You are the one claiming its all about democracy. I asked you for the list of countries where the west has toppled genuine democracies.


You seem to forget the only reason the US has limited involvement in Syria is to attack ISIS. If it was willing to get seriously involved by attacking Assad, the same way that Russia has attacked the opposition then Assad would have lost many months ago and long before Russia ever got involved. Because there is no other involvement then the resy makes them bystandes to the cvil war.


It hasnt done it because there is no coherent opposition to support and there is no will to put troops on the ground. Btw have you worked out what difference it makes having troops on the ground in warfare compared to just an air force? you seemd to be having difficulties with that one. keep up with your conspiracy theories and fantasie deano.


---------- Post added 30-12-2016 at 21:50 ----------



Everyone buys ISIS oil including the Russians, Assad, the opposition and Turkey. the FT did a very interesting article showing who was buying it and after the bribes its everyone because people like to make money. Ordinary people also need it for cooking, heating and power.


if you read back my post was

remind me again how many countries the USA and us have tried to remove or undermine a regime or ruler?

i didnt mention democracy, i mentioned a regime and ruler....but either way we shouldnt be trying to undermine any other sovereign country, either a democratic one or not.....

as for your list..just google it yourself?

"how many countries has the usa tried to overthrow"....then take your pic, i am happy to stay with the most relevant...Syria

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if you read back my post was

remind me again how many countries the USA and us have tried to remove or undermine a regime or ruler?

i didnt mention democracy, i mentioned a regime and ruler....but either way we shouldnt be trying to undermine any other sovereign country, either a democratic one or not.....

as for your list..just google it yourself?

"how many countries has the usa tried to overthrow"....then take your pic, i am happy to stay with the most relevant...Syria


You can say the same about Russia. Or China for that matter.

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yeah of course...i am not picking sides, just laying down the facts


I've seen no facts. It's all slightly open questions and inudendo.


---------- Post added 30-12-2016 at 22:05 ----------


No you can't. Neither are anywhere nears as bad as us or the USA


What have we done lately that's worse than Russia?

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if you read back my post was

remind me again how many countries the USA and us have tried to remove or undermine a regime or ruler?

i didnt mention democracy, i mentioned a regime and ruler....but either way we shouldnt be trying to undermine any other sovereign country, either a democratic one or not.....

as for your list..just google it yourself?

"how many countries has the usa tried to overthrow"....then take your pic, i am happy to stay with the most relevant...Syria


List the countries and then we can talk about them specifically as to the reasons why there was any involvement.


Your the one claiming all these countries, im just interested in which ones you are referring to. Have a spine and jusy tell us.


---------- Post added 30-12-2016 at 22:06 ----------


yeah of course...i am not picking sides, just laying down the facts


Facts not fantasies. Come on up your game and start backing up your claims.

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List the countries and then we can talk about them specifically as to the reasons why there was any involvement.


Your the one claiming all these countries, im just interested in which ones you are referring to. Have a spine and jusy tell us.


---------- Post added 30-12-2016 at 22:06 ----------



Facts not fantasies. Come on up your game and start backing up your claims.


Cuba? Syria?

a few here for you to browse over lol


Edited by banjodeano
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