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Alternative to Tea & Coffee

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Merry Christmas everyone!


2 weeks ago I started with cold like symptoms. I usually get tinitus plus pain in the upper molars.

This time round the tinitus never came but the pain in the teeth was horrendous. Had to go to the emergency doctor Xmas eve. Diagnosed acute sinusitis. Left side of my face swelled up, left eye partially closed and oh the pain in the upper left molars was absolutely horrendous. I couldn't chew easily so decided to have milky coffee. In the course of 2 days I had 4 large cups of the stuff, each cup contained two heaped teaspoons of instant coffee plus sweetener. Well, the pain that followed was simply unreal. I really honestly wanted someone to chop my head off!! It was that bad, nothing would take it off. In the past 2 weeks I've gone through several packs of paracetamol and ibuprofen, giant pack of lemsips, 3 packs of sudafeds plus the antibiotics the doctor prescribed.


The pain I've endured and the somewhat slight connection I've attributed to drinking coffee has made me stay away from anything and everything that contains caffeine.


Today the pain has almost gone, face returned to normal shape, upper molars much better but not normal yet. I've had 2 cups of tea today and again my head began to hurt. So I'm wanting to quit caffeine completely but don't want to be anti social. I don't drink at all, nor smoke either.


Can anyone recommend a hot drink that can be easily prepared and is relatively common and cheap to boot.



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Merry Christmas everyone!


2 weeks ago I started with cold like symptoms. I usually get tinitus plus pain in the upper molars.

This time round the tinitus never came but the pain in the teeth was horrendous. Had to go to the emergency doctor Xmas eve. Diagnosed acute sinusitis. Left side of my face swelled up, left eye partially closed and oh the pain in the upper left molars was absolutely horrendous. I couldn't chew easily so decided to have milky coffee. In the course of 2 days I had 4 large cups of the stuff, each cup contained two heaped teaspoons of instant coffee plus sweetener. Well, the pain that followed was simply unreal. I really honestly wanted someone to chop my head off!! It was that bad, nothing would take it off. In the past 2 weeks I've gone through several packs of paracetamol and ibuprofen, giant pack of lemsips, 3 packs of sudafeds plus the antibiotics the doctor prescribed.


The pain I've endured and the somewhat slight connection I've attributed to drinking coffee has made me stay away from anything and everything that contains caffeine.


Today the pain has almost gone, face returned to normal shape, upper molars much better but not normal yet. I've had 2 cups of tea today and again my head began to hurt. So I'm wanting to quit caffeine completely but don't want to be anti social. I don't drink at all, nor smoke either.


Can anyone recommend a hot drink that can be easily prepared and is relatively common and cheap to boot.




Have you tried any herbal teas? They're available in most coffee shops now in a variety of flavours so you won't feel anti social sat there without a drink, and they're readily available in all supermarkets.

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I have been looking at teas, but the huge variety offered is a little daunting.

My coffee consumption in the past was pretty high.

2 cups first thing

1 litre flask for work

3-4 cups evening time


Usually 2-3 bars of chocolate consumed during the week too!


Too much caffeine for sure.


But I need to find an alternative hot drink that's pretty much as instant and cheap as instant coffee...maybe I'm asking too much.


Yeah, herbal Tea in the morning

Then during the day maybe bovril & cup-a-soups??

Then evening just drink water


I'm startled as to how much I've become reliant on instant coffee and realise it's probably a good thing to give it up.

Edited by mrcharlie
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Decaffeinated coffee and tea? Same price, pretty much same taste. Hot squash, Bovril, miso soup.


I switched my parents to decaf tea without telling them, and they were none the wiser for about a month, other than noticing they weren't getting up for the loo as much in the night!

Edited by feargal
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