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Cold war all over again?

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OK let's take it as read that they did, even though no proof has been presented.


I just don't understand Obama's clutching at his pearl necklace. If the Russians hacked Clinton's emails it's called spying; and all the major powers do it.


Obama seems to have conveniently forgotten this story for instance, when the US was accused of hacking Merkel's phone.



As for interfering in the electoral process Assad was elected in Syria; that doesn't seem to bother the US when they conspire to overthrow him, just as they conspired to overthrow the elected President of Chile and god knows how many others.


You have no choice but to consider the possibility it is true otherwise there is no story. There was an investigation, they have probided confidential evidence which they say proves it and that has satisifed Obama plus the powers that be. It will all come out eventually and i dont think he's that much of a loon.


Yes they are all at spying. The point is what they did with the information and I think because they succeeded. Your merkel story isnt comparable and stood out becayse it was on an ally. there isnt any evidence anything found was used to subvert the democratic process.


Assad got into power by way of the coup by his father.

The election he had for staying in power was only carried out by his supporters so the result was obvious if no one is in a position to stand against you.

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Exactly. It's sour grapes and Obama is a bit too good at lecturing other countries on what they should be doing for my liking. He's had two terms, he should go gracefully.


Without seeing the evidence and knowing whether it was true or not then how can you say that? You would be fine if someone hacked your computer stole information and then used that to their advantage and your expense?

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It is odd. They have a large military but the kit is largely obsolete. In the Soviet days they could have launched 5000 tanks across western Europe. Now their tanks are largely past it and we all saw what happened in the gulf when obsolete russian built armour came up against modern weaponary. That's why Putin sticks to air strikes against rebels armed with old AK-47s. But he probably needs the posturing and fake shows of strength to keep his own hands on power.


I'm not sure they could. I served in Germany during the Cold War. The fear at that time was that the soviets would come rolling through with their tanks and our job was to create route denials and killing fields.

It was only after the collapse of the Soviet Union that it was realised that out of the thousands of tanks ready to roll in to the west many were empty hulls, wooden decoys and out of the real tanks only a small percentage were battle ready.

That's probably why they never invaded.

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Without seeing the evidence and knowing whether it was true or not then how can you say that? You would be fine if someone hacked your computer stole information and then used that to their advantage and your expense?


You're joking. They do it all the time!


Everything is monitored They've quietly passed specific laws that allow them to do it. There is no such thing as privacy any more. And they can use the information they acquire to your disadvantage if they see fit.


That's before they sell all your private details to other companies to use etc....

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Anna B.


It may be an oversimplification. But I suppose we live in an age of media construction of reality. We end up believing what we want to believe.

The reality of affairs is submerged and undetectable beneath a veneer of media spin,hype and lies.


Let's call it , Post Truth.

Edited by petemcewan
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Without seeing the evidence and knowing whether it was true or not then how can you say that? You would be fine if someone hacked your computer stole information and then used that to their advantage and your expense?


Where's Obama's evidence. None that I've seen. Would you be alright with it if I accused you hacking into my computer without proof ?

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Abba B,


It may be an oversimplification. But I suppose we live in an age of media construction of reality. We end up believing what we want to believe.

The reality of affairs is submerged and undetectable beneath a veneer of media spin,hype and lies.


The media did just that with their headlines of Russia showing off its military might when a very smoky aircraft carrier sailed down the English Channel on route for the Med.


The reality was that Russia only has one clapped out old aircraft carrier and it had to sail from the Baltic as they don't have another one that they can keep in the Med. Nor do they have one at all that could even get to the Pacific unless they took it overland and rebuilt it at Vladivostok. It was accompanied as usual by tugs as it breaks down so often. The mighty carrier only carries 15 planes, and 2 of those were lost within days of arriving on station. Not through hostile fire but due to launch and landing equipment failure.


To combat the threat of this 30 year old relic NATO has 14 operational carriers. That doesn't include the one the UK is building currently.


The irony is of course that the carrier is now floating around off the coast of Syria somewhere and now poses even less threat to the UK than it did in the Baltic. That is unless they tow it back up here so that they can attack us, providing they can get it to launch planes again..

Edited by hush
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