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Dame Jessica Ennis Hill

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I think there is a lot of so called ordinary people deserve the award before Jess and others who make a lot of money doing what they love.


I don't think money is the motivator when youngsters start working hard to do well at their sport. Even with natural talent the amount of effort that they have to put in isn't something most of us ever contemplate. I certainly don't grudge them any rewards that come their way.


Congratulations to Jess Ennis-Hill.

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Congratulations, Dame Jessica. You're young for a Dame, but well done.


You had the courage of your convictions when it counted, don't let people with warped moral compasses ever put you down.


Ellen MacArthur was younger but could argue that her achievement was more significant. Well done nonetheless! A great role model for sure.

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I don't think money is the motivator when youngsters start working hard to do well at their sport. Even with natural talent the amount of effort that they have to put in isn't something most of us ever contemplate. I certainly don't grudge them any rewards that come their way.


Congratulations to Jess Ennis-Hill.


Saw a programme last week about a guy who lost his legs to a disease,he learnt to walk again and started a new job now he does deserve an award before the likes of Jess,Beckam and tax dodging Doddy.

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"Sheffield's golden girl"... urgh, that tag makes me sick, can't stand the woman.


Glad it's not just me feels that way. I would have some degree of respect for her if she'd given something back to the city from the small fortune she must have made on the back of the success, no small part of which was down to use of facilities paid for by Sheffield residents. Golden girl alright! Kept all the gold. Afraid the only dame I'd make this one is a pantomime dame.

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How the haters like to hate.


It shows the very best aspects of human character doesn't it?


I have never met her but I am more than capable of grasping the quite astonishing level of application over very many years (when the pie eaters were tucked up in bed) that allowed her to compete with such success at an elite level.


You just can't please some people from sheffield can you ?


I am lost as to how some feel the desperate need to come on here and slag someone off with such feeling - maybe try a resolution going into the new year:):)

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