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Dame Jessica Ennis Hill

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hmm sheffield and proud...except when it came to help trying to save her "beloved" don valley stadium along with seb coe and his "legacy" shame on them. i've met her and her coach and went to school with her coach's wife seems she is quick to forget her roots


Well if her 'roots' include pathetic whingers like you then it's no surprise she'd want to forget them.


Says alot when someone from our city puts in an excellent showing at two olympics on the trot and still certain people try and put them down :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Got backing of other athletes people to help save the place. Funding by using her. Put some of her own money in. Bring awareness and support by using her position to support the cause the list goes on


And what did you do to help save the stadium? How much of your money did you put in?

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Got backing of other athletes people to help save the place. Funding by using her. Put some of her own money in. Bring awareness and support by using her position to support the cause the list goes on


you mean like this :-












If you don't like her then fine - but at least give the woman some credit for what she did. if the system wants to recognise her then be critical of the system not the recipient of an award.

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Why dont you read through the 127 pages of honours and you might see there are plenty of people on there who do lots of charity work, save lives and undertake selfess acts.




I know, that's not the issue... the issue is those who haven't done such things... still getting it...

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I know, that's not the issue... the issue is those who haven't done such things... still getting it...


Like who? What "things"? Honours are not just simply about that. You were the one who created this faux criteria.


Your personal definition of what you deem "..doing something amazing..." is quite frankly irrelevant.


YOU are not the one making the decision.


Just because YOU dont think that people like some hard working dedicated sportsperson who represented the nation or some long serving and popular entertainers dont deserve an award does not mean that others think they do.


The list is extensive and varied. Their honours should be just as deserved as anyone else.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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It is a shame that there are some so stoked with negativity that they don't consider any evidence that may run in directions that don't fit with their view.

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