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Pink Panther alcohol drink

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I was wondering if anybody else remembers a drink called "PINK PANTHER". It was in a bottle similar to the small Babycham bottle. Alas they no longer sell the drink and I can not find any reference to it on the internet. They use to have it in the Peacock pub in Stannington in the early 80'. It was an aniseed flavour and was bright pink. My kids do not believe me when I say I use to drink them.

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Hi KaityKayBell,

You're not losing your marbles, I was working as a barman in Sheffield in the early 80's and remember all the 'girlie' drinks like the aforementioned Pink Panthers, Cherry B's, Babychams & bottled Snowballs being very popular. In those days you'd never see anyone drinking out of a bottle and if anyone ordered a 'half' (women didn't drink pints) you asked whether it was for a lady, if so it was served in a stem glass.

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