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Are people being unduly sniffy about Victoira Beckham getting an OBE?

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I can think of worse people to knock, she has made a success of her life, and has made a mistake - we don't know if she confided in a friend who leaked what she said, not like she committed a crime and those two MPs have jumped on it - glad I'm not famous:(

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I've never understood the hatred some people have for Victoria Beckham, she's a very successful business woman, a wife and a mother. If she was a hate preacher or notorious terrorist I'd understand but she isn't.




... and I didn't even know she was a Jedi. :confused:

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Victoria Beckham's up & coming award of an OBE has sent many flying into a hissy fit.

Many, such as MPs Peter Bone & Andrew Bridgen, are angry that upon hearing the news VB leaked the info, calling such behaviour as a "a betrayal of etiquette", and have suggested that the OBE be withdrawn for that reason. Others are wondering what she has done to earn the award.


Personally I don't care for the woman. Though getting an OBE these days is hardly newsworthy, in that I just don't see it as a big deal.


Just wondered what people on here thought?



My thoughts for what they are worth.


OBE. Order of the British Empire.





There is no empire and has not been for some time.

I am unsure who should feel more insulted those people from the former Empire who were formerly lorded over by nere do wells in their own country or the people being offered the worthless trinket in return for humbling themselves in their new best clothes.

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