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Leaking on floor( Peugeot 206)

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I use A hose pipe to find leaks ,just keep spraying all round pass side of car and then check if you can see any water coming in .like someone else has said is heater matrix leaking at all ? The towels getting wet when it's not raining is probley towels absorbing all water out of carpet


I had Thisbe issue with a car a few years ago. Passenger side constantly wet during dry weather. Turned out to be the heating matrix. Due to its awkward location the labour chatge was quite expensive.

Binned it and bought another car.

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We had a similar problem in an older car, and eventually found the leak was from a tiny pin hole in a hose behind the glovebox.

The only time the water made an appearance was when the engine was running under pressure, akin to speeding up a steep hill,

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The most common reasons for leaks are:


Blocked drainage channels in the bonnet hinge areas

Poor fitting or worn door seal (take the seal off and wash in the bath, then refit while still warm and soft)

Leaking heater matrix (check if the damp smells of coolant and is greasy)

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If your 206 has aircon it may be worth checking the drainage hole. Air conditioning systems also dehumidify the air and the water that gets removed has to go somewhere - generally out through a little drain. I had one mate who's drain got blocked up and every time he turned a corner at speed it dumped water out of the footwell vent onto his passenger's feet.

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