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Good turn turned good/bad

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I'm just sat here thinking and drinking about things long time gone, when I remember being at school aged about 12/13 and going out to the playground I saw three kids having a go at this Pakistani lad of about the same age named Abdul Patel (even remember his name) he was a very slim built kid and could easily of passed for 8/9 - anyway I poked my big nose in and got a bit of a hammering. (that'll teach me).

Eight years later I'm walking through the Park at 11.30pm having walked my girlfriend home, when I half was across the park this gang of Pakistani lads appeared from the other side walking towards me, I didn't have a choice to turn and walk/run out so I continued walking towards them, when we met the sides of the gang moved either side of me, though not being totally enclosed it was obvious I was in trouble. "where you going" said this front man. "Just walked my GF home and I'm going home myself" is that right he said. then, out, at the back of this group I hear a voice "Mohamed wait" this is the friend that stood up for me at school. A few words I didn't understand took place, then I was told I needed a body guard to get me home, and - I'm not kidding, three lads/men walked with me all the way home, about 2 miles.


The voice was Abdel's and was I glad I poked my nose in.


Have you any Good - Bad/Turns? stories

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I'm just sat here thinking and drinking about things long time gone, when I remember being at school aged about 12/13 and going out to the playground I saw three kids having a go at this Pakistani lad of about the same age named Abdul Patel (even remember his name) he was a very slim built kid and could easily of passed for 8/9 - anyway I poked my big nose in and got a bit of a hammering. (that'll teach me).

Eight years later I'm walking through the Park at 11.30pm having walked my girlfriend home, when I half was across the park this gang of Pakistani lads appeared from the other side walking towards me, I didn't have a choice to turn and walk/run out so I continued walking towards them, when we met the sides of the gang moved either side of me, though not being totally enclosed it was obvious I was in trouble. "where you going" said this front man. "Just walked my GF home and I'm going home myself" is that right he said. then, out, at the back of this group I hear a voice "Mohamed wait" this is the friend that stood up for me at school. A few words I didn't understand took place, then I was told I needed a body guard to get me home, and - I'm not kidding, three lads/men walked with me all the way home, about 2 miles.


The voice was Abdel's and was I glad I poked my nose in.


Have you any Good - Bad/Turns? stories


i guess as a rasist story it is poor, but spinns it from the other side

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What a lovely story. Makes me wonder what they were planning to do to you had you not have known Abdel though. Quite scary to think about it. But it was lovely that he remembered.

What area was this?




The story is true, It was not intended to be racist in any way, it was just plain fact.


I also dread to think what would have happened if Abdul had not be there.

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The story is true, It was not intended to be racist in any way, it was just plain fact.


I also dread to think what would have happened if Abdul had not be there.


Would be a great fun part of some fantasy race relation movie script.

When dreams appear to become reality GP needs to be contacted before it is too late.

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A similar thing did actually happen to me. I was at the bus stop at the bottom of West Street the day of a talk by Tommy Robinson (I think) in Sheffield. A young Asian lass was getting grief from a drunk idiot, so I told him to go away. He crossed the road and stood outside u Buffet giving abuse. I sat next to her and talked to her. She called someone to pick her up as she was upset and got in a car about 15 mins later, giving her thanks.


Last winter I was walking through that park off London Road when a group of Asin lads called to to me and began to block the path ahead of me. As I got closer one of them detached themselves from the group and began to walk towards me. He had recognised me as the guy who had helped his sister. He thanked me and told the group what I had done. They couldn't have been nicer to me.


I have no evidence that they would have done anything to me had the guy not recognised me, but I did feel threatened.

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I do a lot of walking and meet a lot of Asian lads. I don't mind their business and they always leave me alone and mind their own business.


If they call to you or start to behave silly, you must also be behaving in a silly way that attracts their attention in the first place.

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