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Sir Ivan Rogers Resigns.

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It means the UK is completely leaving the EU and there will be no freedom of movement.


I agree Nigel Farage would not be a good Ambassador. However, I agree with Nigel Farage's view that more Ambassadors should be replaced with people, who understand the UK are really leaving the EU.


Why doesn't she say that instead of saying one made up word means the same made up word?


I'm sure Sir Ivan Rogers understands that the UK are leaving. However an ambassador just carries out the government's wishes so whoever that would be would still need clear direction and not 'muddled thinking'. If by 'understand the UK are really leaving the EU' you mean 'were supporters of Leave' then really it shouldn't make a difference. They're just go betweens for the governments and won't be responsible for any decisions.

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That doesn't alter the fact that the Prime Minister wants Single Market access,contrary to what the Brexit campaign,and people like Gove was about,and the people who voted for Brexit on the basis of what he said,and others like him.


And again an attempt to conflate single market access and single market membership. How many times?

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Why doesn't she say that instead of saying one made up word means the same made up word?


I'm sure Sir Ivan Rogers understands that the UK are leaving. However an ambassador just carries out the government's wishes so whoever that would be would still need clear direction and not 'muddled thinking'. If by 'understand the UK are really leaving the EU' you mean 'were supporters of Leave' then really it shouldn't make a difference. They're just go betweens for the governments and won't be responsible for any decisions.

Mrs May used that slogan during the Conservative leadership campaign, so Conservative MPs, who supported the UK leaving the EU, understood if she became Prime Minister, that she would carry out the democratic wishes of the electorate.


Of cause it makes a difference. You wouldn't choose somebody to do a job who object to what you are asking them to do. Sir Ivan Rogers wanted the UK to stay in the EU and seems unwilling to accept the democratic wishes of the UK people, so he should have gone sooner than he did.

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Sir Tim Barrow, career 'Kremlinologist', freshly appointed UK's ambassador to the EU, within 2 or 3 weeks of Rex Tillerson, career 'Kremlinologist', appointed US Secretary of State ('Foreign Secretary').


Connecting them dots to try and see a pattern emerging is looking awfully tempting.


Takes me back to that article I was reading last night in the Winter 2017 edition of The Global Intelligence. Perhaps drawing the US & the UK together away from the EU is Putin's next move. And being played right now.

Edited by L00b
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It is not a fantasy to aim for continued tariff free trading with the EU, when they export more to the UK than the UK exports to the EU.

It is when you take into account allowing us to have tariff free access to the single market without accepting things like free movement of people would encourage other countries to leave the EU. The idea that the EU would allow it to happen might appeal to the sort of leave supporter who has wet dreams about brexit leading to the breakup of the EU but more sensible people realise it's not going to happen.

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It is when you take into account allowing us to have tariff free access to the single market without accepting things like free movement of people would encourage other countries to leave the EU. The idea that the EU would allow it to happen might appeal to the sort of leave supporter who has wet dreams about brexit leading to the breakup of the EU but more sensible people realise it's not going to happen.

Time will tell. 99% or 98% tariff free trading might be agreed. It makes sense to aim for 100% though.

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Aren't you just acknowledging the point the poster made by posting the link ?


OK,so stopping paying the EU contributions,and then starting to pay again for getting back into the Single Market after you've left is the Brexit you want?

What kind of Brexit would you call that if you don't recognise soft or hard Brexit?



According to Press TV, Brexit Secretary David Davis made the announcement during a regular session facing lawmakers in the House of Commons on Thursday.


“The major criterion here is that we get the best possible access for goods and services to the European market - and if that is included in what you are talking about, then of course we will consider it,” he said.


The strategy did not go well with some of the Parliament members, with Brexit-backing Tory Peter Bone calling it an outrageous offer.


"People will be absolutely outraged if we came out of the EU and then carried on paying them £15 billion a year, £20 billion a year, whatever the figure is - no I don't think it's going to happen. In that very hypothetical case people will be exceptionally upset about it. But it's just not going to happen," the MP told the BBC.


Retaining access to the single market has been one of the major worries for UK businesses ever since the country voted to leave the EU in a referendum on June 23.


The government of Prime Minister Theresa May says that in order to maintain access to the single market, the UK could loosen its borders to meet certain EU immigration standards.


However, Brexit supporters have strongly opposed that strategy, saying they prefer less immigration to single market access.



Edited by chalga
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OK,so stopping paying the EU contributions,and then starting to pay again for getting back into the Single Market after you've left is the Brexit you want?

What kind of Brexit would you call that if you don't recognise soft or hard Brexit?


The point is, that having access to the single market and being a member of the single market are not the same thing. Once Article 50 is triggerred, then the UK can negotiate to have continued access to the free market. For example the UK could say, they are only willing to use the single market on the condition the UK are free to negotiate their own trading arrangements with the rest of the World, there will no longer be any free movement between the UK and the EU and neither the UK or the EU will have to pay any fee, to each other for this arrangement.


Already explained to you there is only one BREXIT and that is complete BREXIT.

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