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Last surviving dambuster not given a knighthood

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Is he still involved in the charitable works?


He wont get any honours for the war effort - they are properly honoured by awards of military decorations. As far as I know to get the civilian honours you have to be still active in the area that you are being awarded for so it could be that is what is disqualifying him from one.

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Traditionally, only very senior military personnel recieve such high honours such as generals and admirals for example. Staff of significantly lower rank are not generally honoured in this way. There are military honours for which can be given for specific events or actions.


So why should they be honoured any differently from the status quo? I am sure this person has already been recognised for his achievements.

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Traditionally, only very senior military personnel recieve such high honours such as generals and admirals for example. Staff of significantly lower rank are not generally honoured in this way. There are military honours for which can be given for specific events or actions.


So why should they be honoured any differently from the status quo? I am sure this person has already been recognised for his achievements.


I'm sure Squadron Leader Johnson, as a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Medal, has already been recognised by the military. He's also been presented with numerous medals outside of the RAF from people such as the Mayor of Bristol who he no doubt knew through his years of being Chairman of the local Conservative Party.


If anyone thinks this is some old guy in a nursing home without a penny to his name that hasn't had any recognition or influence in life due to his career, you are way off the mark.

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Mrs. Cameron did one honour - a gong for the woman who colour co-ordinated her clothes.


Vital of course and someone who just took part in the the Dam Busters raid, risking his life, losing his colleagues and fighting the Nazis - such a contribution pales into insgnificance when you consider the difficulty of matching court shoes with handbag; scarf with gloves and the challenge of perfume choice.


Of course Jessica Ennis needed her gong to make a complete set of: sporting success, £1 million income, TV adverts revenue, celebrity status, fame etc etc. Again no surprises some insigificant little green man from Sheffield, misguidedly pushing a pram and raising money for years for charity gets nothing. After all, who wants to rub shoulders with him?


But Jessica, TV teeth, celebrity ......... the luvvies adore her, same as Andy and Mrs. Beckham but ordinary folk ....... war heroes?


Who cares?


Certainly not this Government ........ May or Cameron.

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Traditionally, only very senior military personnel recieve such high honours such as generals and admirals for example. Staff of significantly lower rank are not generally honoured in this way. There are military honours for which can be given for specific events or actions.


So why should they be honoured any differently from the status quo? I am sure this person has already been recognised for his achievements.

People just think it would be a nice thing to do, because he is the last survivor of the dambuster operation. Given the amount of honours given to so called celebrities, then I also think it would be a nice thing to do.

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The government gives these honours do they? :suspect:


The Queen bestows them [hands them out.]


The Prime Minister recommends them [speaks to the Queen.].


Private individuals can put forward recommendations [write a letter.] As can the Foreign Secretary and Commonwealth Governments [only it gets delivered to her desk in Red Box that contains the day's business.]


Therefore, the chances of a private individual having a nomination accepted is marginal [ lottery winner, snowball in hell, struck by lightning.]


Clear now?

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