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Armed police hillsbrough roads closed 07/01/2017

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Clearly if there are 'regular patrol' armed officers and they are close to a serious RTA they will respond to it.



Perhaps they were just close by when the RTA was called in.


True. They patrol our streets 24/7 attending all sorts of regular incidents.

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Before you post crap on here do some research. Armed police would only turn up to cases of shoplifting, traffic accidents, parking offences, etc, if there has been a report of someone carrying an arm and a designated officer authorisers an officer trained in the use of arms to take one to the incident. For example;


"Within each police force, there is a group of specially trained officers who are authorized to carry firearms. The carrying of firearms must be authorized by a specially designated officer. In 2011–12 the number of authorized firearms officers was 6,756, approximately 5% of the total force".



You're half right, but as usual a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


They are authorised to carry firearms by a constant 'standing' authority. They have 'rifles' to use on a firearms incident for which they require a second specific authority to actually get the rifles out of the car and deploy with them. They carry pistols at all times as a personal protection weapon and as such do not have to have any specific authority to have it on them over and above the 'standing' authority.


They are advanced first aiders and carry specialist first aid equipment on their cars, which like someone else mentioned would be ideal in a first response.


I would imagine they are asked to attend this incident to see what assistance in a first aid capacity they could offer.

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True. They patrol our streets 24/7 attending all sorts of regular incidents.


I think people imagine they all sit in a glass case which is only smashed open in emergency.


They are used much more in general policing duties. Not so much domestics/neighbour disputes and general stupidity but due to the cutbacks it is not realistic having armed officers sat about all shift waiting for a firearms situation to arise. Quite a few specialist duty groups have combined to make these departments more useable.

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Speaking to a current officer it appears SYP have disbanded their traffic department and incorporated it into the group that includes the armed response units.


Therefore, when serious accidents occur you will see armed officers at the scene and as someone has already pointed out they wear sidearms as routine.


My thoughts are also with the family of the deceased who was apparently meeting his family at Owlerton to celebrate a birthday.

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There are also reports that Earth is flat and was created by a god. Back in the real world armed police only respond to armed incidents or protect sensitive areas like airports. They are specially trained to use arms and don't give out parking tickets or deal with accidents;




This is completely incorrect. Armed police will attend a routine call if required, but clearly they aren't going to start getting rifles out of the car unless needed, but they may be wearing pistols as part of their standard kit. Armed police don't ONLY attend incidents involving guns, there just aren't enough coppers for them to do that.


Thoughts with the deceased family and the officers involved in the accident. Terrible for all involved.

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