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Cineworld on road parking - council fine


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Some fair comments I suppose. However, as per the streetview there are no signs or painted bicycles on this stretch. There are bollards further up, presumably to prevent cars getting on the pavement, but not further down and no indications except the double-yellows. I'd argue it could be much more clearly labelled if they actually wanted to prevent parking, as evidenced by the dozens of people who park there each weekend. Ordinarily I'd be glad the fine was going to the council rather than a company, but not given their behaviour of late.


Anyway I was not complaining, just pointing out somewhere I'd seen people park for years and assessed to be acceptable is actually not acceptable and warning others as such.

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Some fair comments I suppose. However, as per the streetview there are no signs or painted bicycles on this stretch. There are bollards further up, presumably to prevent cars getting on the pavement, but not further down and no indications except the double-yellows. I'd argue it could be much more clearly labelled if they actually wanted to prevent parking, as evidenced by the dozens of people who park there each weekend. Ordinarily I'd be glad the fine was going to the council rather than a company, but not given their behaviour of late.


Anyway I was not complaining, just pointing out somewhere I'd seen people park for years and assessed to be acceptable is actually not acceptable and warning others as such.


I'd say that double yellows are a clear enough indication. I'd also say that the dozens who park there would park there whatever, because they think the council parking services won't be working on an evening.

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Isn't it an offence to drive over yellow lines to park - therefore no signage is required IF double yellows are ignored.


Illegal parking has never been acceptable - just never policed adequately.


If you've been "ticketed" by the bozos in the box near the entrance - i ignored mine and never had it taken further.

I wasn't infringing any Highway Code rules though.

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The last time I went to the cinema, late afternoon, there was nowhere on site to park, so we parked on the street (behind the offices on the other side of the main road) about 5 minutes walk. No restrictions on parking.


On leaving the cinema, we walked down the road behind Toys R Us, and had to walk in the road (with a young child), in the dark, with regular traffic passing by, because of the inconsiderate drivers who had blocked both pavements.


So I was quite happy to see the parking restrictions being enforced, and those cars being ticketed. Hopefully, in time, those inconsiderate drivers will learn to park with more consideration to others.

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Some fair comments I suppose. However, as per the streetview there are no signs or painted bicycles on this stretch. There are bollards further up, presumably to prevent cars getting on the pavement, but not further down and no indications except the double-yellows. I'd argue it could be much more clearly labelled if they actually wanted to prevent parking, as evidenced by the dozens of people who park there each weekend. Ordinarily I'd be glad the fine was going to the council rather than a company, but not given their behaviour of late.


Anyway I was not complaining, just pointing out somewhere I'd seen people park for years and assessed to be acceptable is actually not acceptable and warning others as such.


Took two clicks of my mouse to see the big white painted bicycle on the same stretch of pavement.

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Took two clicks of my mouse to see the big white painted bicycle on the same stretch of pavement.


Don't know what they used to paint that but walked there today and it was pretty fainted.

There is one tiny little sign on a lamppost between the bushes warning to not park on cycle footpath.

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When cars are blocking the pavement, I find it very awkward to have to clamber on to them and walk over the top. Sometimes the driver shouts at me from a distance as if they expect me to step on to the road to walk around their vehicle.

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It's irrelevant to be honest, there are double yellow lines. There's also the fact the cycle path is made of pink tarmac and there are give way markings for the cyclists. Hardly going to think they're for a motor vehicle, being about two foot wide and on a pink pavement with a painted bicycle next to them.

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Some fair comments I suppose. However,

Anyway I was not complaining, just pointing out somewhere I'd seen people park for years and assessed to be acceptable is actually not acceptable and warning others as such.


Stop digging at him/her. Wish people would READ posts first and actually understand what was written.

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