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Writing my own book advise


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hi , I am wanting to write my own book on my own personal events, my problem is when it comes to actually writing it my mind goes blank and I cant word it in a way the people who will be reading it will understand my feelings in the writing has anyone got any advice at all when it comes to writing personal events in a book that involves your life and how to set it out

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If I was you, I'd just start writing!

The hardest part is staring at a blank page. Once you get going, it get's easier.

Don't worry about it being perfect - you can always edit it later. It's a lovely feeling editing your work into something good!

Maybe write a loose (one page) plan of how you'd like it to go, beginning, middle and end, and take it from there.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no experience of this, but if it was me, I would begin by making a list of your 'events' in brief, in some kind of chronological order. Then start with number one in the list, writing a more detailed version of it... and so on.


I think a good way to start expanding on your story, would be to voice record it, imagining that you are talking to a friend. You can then edit and 'audio type' it up later.







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