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Jeremy Hunt NHS Goalposts

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What the hell has someone's private investments got to do with the NHS.


Some of the nonsense I have seen from the moron brigade following the Daily Mirror hatchet job is just rediculous.


"he should be paying money to the nurses" "He should be donating it to health charities"


Absolute horse crap.


What about NHS doctors paid by the taxpayers - should they be paying their private clinic earnings back to the NHS. What about the millions of us who have shares and investments in stock and trusts. Should we all be hounded to pay out back to the poor just for daring to do well for ourselves.


Jeremy Hunt pays NI and taxes on his government salary just like the rest of us. In fact, being a high earner he will pay a damn sight more into the system than many others.


Now. IF he is a bad politician with bad policies then fine. Criticise them. Criticise his actions and/or his Department (.....because he is certainly not alone in his alleged failures). We can even stop treating the NHS like some protected bubble and criticise the failures of the Management, Doctors and yes, even SOME nursing and support staff for their own inefficiencies, incompetence and failures.


But for god sake, can we stop with this off with their heads crap. Can we stop with pretending that someone's personal (albeit high) weath is somehow fair and justified to be taken by those who happen to have less.


The NHS has been in "crisis" "underfunded" "mistreated by the government" "unfairly criticised" or anything in between since God's dog was a puppy.


Time for someone with some balls (...not necessarilly JH) to take command and not be afraid of telling it like it is. If the government is at fault for SOME of it, then they need to say. If the NHS staff themselves are at fault, they need to say it. Enough with the pussy footing around and pretending that all Doctors are saviours and all nurses are angels. They are not.


For every Westminster failure there are plenty of others from the shop floor.


Pitty that seems to be skipped over in the papers and even more so by the red side of the house.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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What the hell has someone's private investments got to do with the NHS.


Some of the nonsense I have seen from the moron brigade following the Daily Mirror hatchet job is just rediculous.


"he should be paying money to the nurses" "He should be donating it to health charities"


Absolute horse crap.


What about NHS doctors paid by the taxpayers - should they be paying their private clinic earnings back to the NHS. What about the millions of us who have shares and investments in stock and trusts. Should we all be hounded to pay out back to the poor just for daring to do well for ourselves.


Jeremy Hunt pays NI and taxes on his government salary just like the rest of us. In fact, being a high earner he will pay a damn sight more into the system than many others.


Now. IF he is a bad politician with bad policies then fine. Criticise them. Criticise his actions and/or his Department (.....because he is certainly not alone in his alleged failures). We can even stop treating the NHS like some protected bubble and criticise the failures of the Management, Doctors and yes, even SOME nursing and support staff for their own inefficiencies, incompetence and failures.


But for god sake, can we stop with this off with their heads crap. Can we stop with pretending that someone's personal (albeit high) weath is somehow fair and justified to be taken by those who happen to have less.


The NHS has been in "crisis" "underfunded" "mistreated by the government" "unfairly criticised" or anything in between since God's dog was a puppy.


Time for someone with some balls (...not necessarilly JH) to take command and not be afraid of telling it like it is. If the government is at fault for SOME of it, then they need to say. If the NHS staff themselves are at fault, they need to say it. Enough with the pussy footing around and pretending that all Doctors are saviours and all nurses are angels. They are not.


For every Westminster failure there are plenty of others from the shop floor.


Pitty that seems to be skipped over in the papers and even more so by the red side of the house.


I agree that Labour and the BMA and such would declare the NHS to be in crisis whether it was or not but it may actually really honestly be in crisis right now anyway.

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I agree that Labour and the BMA and such would declare the NHS to be in crisis whether it was or not but it may actually really honestly be in crisis right now anyway.


Its performing as expected when short on money. Does it need reform, or just more money?

Bed blocking and underfunding due to people living longer and the NHS being more advanced in what they are able to cure/heal.

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Its performing as expected when short on money. Does it need reform, or just more money?

Bed blocking and underfunding due to people living longer and the NHS being more advanced in what they are able to cure/heal.


Expected by who? Short relative to what? They've been given the money they asked for a year ago, more than the opposition suggested.

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His personal wealth has nothing to do with it. His ability to do the job can be judged on his record in office and that record is a mess.


When public servants are whinging and striking, I tend to think the minister is probably on the right track.

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When public servants are whinging and striking, I tend to think the minister is probably on the right track.


Why would you think that? Senior Tories are already publicly admitting their reforms since 2010 weren't ideal.

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When public servants are whinging and striking, I tend to think the minister is probably on the right track.


That's a fairly strange way of looking at things. If you sacked the entire HMRC department I'm fairly sure there would be striking and whining but it would hardly be the right decision.

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