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Corbyn suggests earnings limit

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Not really, even the Guardian only considered it a score draw. I wouldn't consider him smashing anything apart from unpopularity contests.


I think his heart is in fairness and decency.

These things however are not required in modern politics.

Load-mouthed self assertion , without ability, seems to be all that is required.

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Not really, even the Guardian only considered it a score draw. I wouldn't consider him smashing anything apart from unpopularity contests.


please tell me which media outlet would ever give Corbyn the edge?

but did you actually watch it? she was well and truly out batted today, she was totally on the defensive and even had to lower herself to attack the Red Cross...

i wonder if she is also going to attack all the other academics who are putting the boot into her over her handling of the NHS...

Even one of her own MP's is putting the knife in...


and its only going to get worse for her...

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To achieve what? If it's to get more tax then you'll need to look very carefully at how best to do that as it's diminishing returns. If it's simply to make a point then go ahead but you might end up reducing tax returns which I don't think benefits anyone.

They were there before until Maggie cut them for her fat cat mates weren't they.

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They were there before until Maggie cut them for her fat cat mates weren't they.


Yes and they were a disaster at the time. The richest are paying a higher percentage of total tax revenue than they ever have before.


Increasing tax rates doesn't mean they will pay more - tax revenues dropped when the 50% rate was introduced.


Read up on the Laffer Curve.

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