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Failing NHS caused by the Tories?

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A few short weeks ago I was told, by a Tory, that "Lefties" blame others for their failings. Now I'm being told, by Tories, that the current NHS crisis is caused by a contract someone else made with GPs in 2004. One could point out that if they thought the contract was that bad they've had 7 years to do something about it, although in fairness they've been so busy making life hell for people who are too ill to work that you can see how they may not have had time.


Well, it's well proven that A&E issues can be traced back to that contract change in 2004. I'm not sure if you are trying to deny that, as there have been links posted in this thread that show this is the case. I'll stand by you regarding the second point, it should have been fixed by now. Though looking at the farce with the junior doctor contract changes, I'm not surprised nothing has been done for fear of mass strike action by GPs, nor if there is money in the pot for the deal to be sweetened.

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Well, it's well proven that A&E issues can be traced back to that contract change in 2004. I'm not sure if you are trying to deny that, as there have been links posted in this thread that show this is the case. I'll stand by you regarding the second point, it should have been fixed by now. Though looking at the farce with the junior doctor contract changes, I'm not surprised nothing has been done for fear of mass strike action by GPs, nor if there is money in the pot for the deal to be sweetened.


Doesn't matter. The Tories have had loads of time to sort it out.


Think of the NHS as the patient hooked up and dependent on a load of life-saving pumps and drips. You don't make the patient better by turning off the pumps and drips one by one but that is what the Tories are doing. Pointless and disastrous reforms. Continuation of austerity policies. Trying to undermine and destabilise the NHS workforce at every opportunity.


It's indefensible.

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Failure to address the recruitment deficit of paramedics. Cuts to services that help prevent hospital admissions, such as social care and community mental health teams.


Cuts to social care and community health and mental health teams which prevent DISCHARGES. from hospital.

Vicious circle culminating in the downward spiral of health care.

Thank you Tories .

Edited by Daven
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Failure to address the recruitment deficit of paramedics. Cuts to services that help prevent hospital admissions, such as social care and community mental health teams.


I nearly applied to be an ambulance technician - I don't get the feeling they're short on applicants are they?

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