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Failing NHS caused by the Tories?

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Not short on applicants but short on the funding to employ enough of them.


Not quite true I think. From what I have read it appears that a lot of paramedics have left the job, creating the first paramedic shortage in the history of the NHS. The NHS is looking at recruiting from overseas to plug the gap in the short term but since we are in the second year (at least) of significant shortages that seems not be working. The things that can be done in the longer term are:


Offer part-time training that can be provided flexibly around peoples' existing jobs


Offer full-time training with a bursary (one can't claim JSA and Housing Benefit while studying full-time, which is defined as 16 hours or more of guided learning per week)


The obvious sector to deliver this is higher education but they will need a substantial support to deliver it because they've no money because of those Tory cuts.

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Since full time bursaries for nurses have been binned by this short sighted government there has been less uptake on nurse training places as predicted by all the nursing organisations.

Older people with families and responsibilities can't afford to give up paid work to train for 3 years without financial support and ,sadly, it's older people with experience of life that cope with the job best.

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Did everyone see the news yesterday.




They're not trying to sell it off though are they, tory supporters...


From the article..


A Number 10 spokesman said later: “The NHS will never be part of a trade deal and will always remain free at the point of delivery.”

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From the article..


A Number 10 spokesman said later: “The NHS will never be part of a trade deal and will always remain free at the point of delivery.”


So the invoice can arrive later.


The words "at the point of delivery" are in that sentence for a reason.

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So the invoice can arrive later.


The words "at the point of delivery" are in that sentence for a reason.


The phrase 'free at the point of delivery' was one of the founding principles of the NHS and has been used to describe the NHS ever since.


It is used on the NHS website where it outlines its principles and values.




"The NHS was created out of the ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of wealth. When it was launched by the then minister of health, Aneurin Bevan, on July 5 1948, it was based on three core principles:


that it meet the needs of everyone


that it be free at the point of delivery


that it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay


These three principles have guided the development of the NHS over more than 60 years and remain at its core."


I think that is the reason the phrase was used there. Nothing nefarious.

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So the invoice can arrive later.


The words "at the point of delivery" are in that sentence for a reason.


It's usually already arrived in the form of income tax.


No one claims that the NHS was ever free - everyone always paid for it but you never had to pony up fivers to get to see the GP....

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So the invoice can arrive later.


The words "at the point of delivery" are in that sentence for a reason.


Free at the point of delivery means you've already paid for it. What we need to be careful of is different parts of the NHS going the same way as dentistry, where there is some to pay at the point of delivery.

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