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Failing NHS caused by the Tories?

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It is a mental health and wellbeing issue though. You can't isolate the cancer treatment element from all the follow up etc that allows people to return to a productive life with restored self esteem etc. All these procedures are costed on a quality of life basis.


You are, just like Cyclone, ignore the routine part. Irrespective of the women feelings, they are routinely offered reconstructive surgery to correct aesthetics without any medical need. I have listened to Doctors give this as an example of money being wasted for a number of years. Assuming that all women should be offered this form of surgery, irrespective of any diagnosis is wrong, wastes money and contradicts the aims of the NHS to provide health services.


Put it this way. When you step onto a bus you are not going there to read the free Metro news paper, but as they are offered to you and free, you take one. If you were not offered a copy, would your journey be any less effective at getting you to your destination? No. Being offered something you do not want does not stop you from taking it when offered.

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Can you back up this "defunded" claim? All the figures I've seen show a substantial increase in NHS spending (spun to sound like an even larger increase I know).

As for the GP's they do extremely well financially and I have no idea where you get the notion that they're hard done by.



They are well paid, at my GP Practice all but one of the Docs actually work part time.



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They also manage to cause the largest ever strike within the medical profession and alienate every trainee Dr in the country.


Sorry to pick up on an earlier post, but I'm trying to find your date range for your other claims.


To reply to the above. They may have been on strike, but the most recently of which was not supported by their own union.


---------- Post added 12-01-2017 at 14:35 ----------



Yes, I absolutely do. Do you not understand what mental health is?


Do you think that NICE approved the treatment for spurious reasons, or do they perhaps have more information than you do?


I fully understand what mental health is. I also understand that any form of surgery should have a medical need as unnecessary surgery goes against the values of the medical professions. I also understand that mental health issues need to be diagnosed, so to routinely ask people if they would like surgery, without diagnosis, is wrong and a waste of money.


NICE approve treatments, but the Doctors need to first diagnose a requirement for a treatment. This form of surgery is not diagnosed as it is offered routinely.


I hope you now understand what routinely means in this context.

Edited by Berberis
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You are, just like Cyclone, ignore the routine part. Irrespective of the women feelings, they are routinely offered reconstructive surgery to correct aesthetics without any medical need. I have listened to Doctors give this as an example of money being wasted for a number of years. Assuming that all women should be offered this form of surgery, irrespective of any diagnosis is wrong, wastes money and contradicts the aims of the NHS to provide health services.



The reconstruction options are always offered, but not always taken up. This is what happens when a complete treatment package is offered. Although there may not be any physical medical need for the surgery, there is often a mental medical need for it. Not addressing that has a social and economic cost. Would you offer amputees prostheses and physiotherapy - after all, there is no medical need to have them once the amputation is done?

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Yes. Those are all valid points. Somewhat in conflict with your earlier claim that there are "slightly increased numbers using it".

Do you think this can legitimately and honestly be described as "defunded"?


I don't believe minor increases/decreases in funding explain the full picture. For those that are familiar with the way the NHS and Social Care interact, the crisis in Social Care appears to be one of the main aggravating factors in the NHS crisis. Many health, social care and local government analysts have been telling the government this since 2010 and the warnings have been getting louder and have been ignored by Cameron, Osborne and now May. Now it's really biting.

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You are, just like Cyclone, ignore the routine part. Irrespective of the women feelings, they are routinely offered reconstructive surgery to correct aesthetics without any medical need. I have listened to Doctors give this as an example of money being wasted for a number of years.


They would try to put the body back into its original state, what every the surgery was, and for either gender.


---------- Post added 12-01-2017 at 18:33 ----------


Right now I see. You can just about make funding per capita look like it's falling if you carefully select the dates.


From what I have googled, real terms spending fell around 2010-2013, but rose after 2013.

We were warned about a older population, and more and more procedures that can be done; as Hunt has said - the NHS is doing more.


It is now struggling because of its own success. Is that an unbiased explanation of what is happening?

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They would try to put the body back into its original state, what every the surgery was, and for either gender.


---------- Post added 12-01-2017 at 18:33 ----------



From what I have googled, real terms spending fell around 2010-2013, but rose after 2013.

We were warned about a older population, and more and more procedures that can be done; as Hunt has said - the NHS is doing more.


It is now struggling because of its own success. Is that an unbiased explanation of what is happening?


I think thats a fair assessment - people who might have been struck down with a heart attack or living longer, much longer. But they will still have other things wrong them that cost money.

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It's because we treat to many people who don't contribute,if I knew the answer I would be earning a fortune.

Was in the dentist Wednesday and an immaculate dressed women came in with her Louis Viton bag,she was asked if she paid for her treatment and replied no,now I don't know her story but can imagine what I thought be it right or wrong but that's a big reason the nhs has no money.

My mum passed away in the NGH last year and the treatment she had for 3months was poor at the best.

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Was in the dentist Wednesday and an immaculate dressed women came in with her Louis Viton bag,she was asked if she paid for her treatment and replied no,now I don't know her story but can imagine what I thought be it right or wrong but that's a big reason the nhs has no money.


Maybe she has a dental plan?

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