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Is this the most useless illuminated advertising board in the country?

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I regularly drive along Shepcote Lane from the Tinsley roundabout and always wonder what the hell was going through these people's minds when they erected these signs. They are both clearly presented for the benefit of traffic users coming from the Tinsley roundabout, but one obscures the other. So nobody can ever actually 'see' the second one. :loopy:


Or do you know better?....Any other examples?


Here's the signs from google street view. I'm not sure when it was took, but the signs were still there this morning!



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But strangely, the 'front' sign almost always never lit, and only occasionally has anything there to see. Yet the one at the back is always brightly lit and has 'something' on there, although I've never managed to see what, as I'm concentrating mostly on the road, and as you pass, it's visible for much less than one second.


EDIT: Oh and it's been like that for at least the last 12 months, as that's how long I've regularly used that stretch of road.

Edited by PeteMorris
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It'd be great if they were two separate companies having a tiff.


Yes that did occur to me too. Or even if they put a bus shelter up directly in front of it, which obscured both of them!


I suppose there must be some sort of explanation of it, but I can't see what it might be, or why!

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Looks like that would be rather difficult with a wheelchair, or a buggy.


Yes I hadn't considered that...It would be a real squeeze. If you zoom in to the view, there's very little room. Although, I would suggest, it's not a well trodden path for pedestrians I wouldn't have thought, even though it's next to a bus stop. I would have thought it's mainly a thoroughfare used by people going to and from work.

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