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Piers Morgan,bully or truth

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He say's it as he see's it, nothing wrong with that.


Strange that he never say's it how he see's it to companies like Sports Direct, or RBS or Southern Rail or umpteen other multinational conglomerates who screw the public over. Where's his interview with the power companies, the railway bosses, the IMF, the World Bank etc etc...you never see those because he doesn't have the intellect and breadth of knowledge to forensically question them, he'd just rather shout at a chav.

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Piers Morgan is a scumbag and bully who should be starvedof any and all publicity. I'd lock him and Katy Hopkins up in room without food and see who comes out alive.

Why is that? They speak as they see. I think Katie is well on the ball and definitely doesn't suffer fools - I am on the same wave length to be honest. How long would you last in a room with her? Or with me for that matter??



Strange that he never say's it how he see's it to companies like Sports Direct, or RBS or Southern Rail or umpteen other multinational conglomerates who screw the public over. Where's his interview with the power companies, the railway bosses, the IMF, the World Bank etc etc...you never see those because he doesn't have the intellect and breadth of knowledge to forensically question them, he'd just rather shout at a chav.


He doesn't have much choice who he interviews, that's down to his manager and PR person. I've no doubt though if one of those threw the gauntlet down he would go for it somehow.


I like people who speak their mind or state things as they are.

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Why is that? They speak as they see. I think Katie is well on the ball and definitely doesn't suffer fools - I am on the same wave length to be honest. How long would you last in a room with her? Or with me for that matter??





He doesn't have much choice who he interviews, that's down to his manager and PR person. I've no doubt though if one of those threw the gauntlet down he would go for it somehow.


I like people who speak their mind or state things as they are.


If you're on the same wavelength as Hopkins we wnt be talking long. You and Hopkins could team up if you'd like and you'd last about 10 mins.

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Piers Morgan is a scumbag and bully who should be starvedof any and all publicity. I'd lock him and Katy Hopkins up in room without food and see who comes out alive.


He was spot on with this woman. The truth hurts , and she didnt like it. Personally i thought he went easy on her

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