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Sheffield bus fare change vouchers

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So it is a ridiculous policy to expect people to make an effort?


Erm, yes. It's of course a ridiculous policy to make people go out of their way to obtain change so they can pay for a service being offered by your employer whose sole reason for operating the service is to make money from taking it from people looking to use the service.


This isn't an attitude problem with the customer, it's an attitude problem with Stagecoach and First. Rather than finding a solution that works for the CUSTOMER (you know the ones who make profit for them) they instead decide to refuse to adapt and as a result are losing customers. I will now get a taxi rather than use the bus on short routes as it's only just more expensive and I can carry not a penny of cash on my yet still get to where I want to go. Magic modern technology isn't it?


Seriously, get your employers to wake up to customer service and demands and then perhaps your passengers will be less mardy.

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I suspect its nothing to do with putting the ticket in the wallet and more to do with the favourite game of some Sheffielders called "lets moan about the buses.


Theres plenty to moan about lets be fair, but this isn't one of them....


---------- Post added 27-01-2017 at 14:19 ----------


Erm, yes. It's of course a ridiculous policy to make people go out of their way to obtain change so they can pay for a service being offered by your employer whose sole reason for operating the service is to make money from taking it from people looking to use the service..


There's never been a legal right to be given change you know... if you have a debt to be settled then I don't have to give you change if you proffer over the odds.


Now a prepayment system like a bus is different of course in that you can decide not to give them the business, but I've never understood why people always expect an automatic right to change, especially for something like a bus route with a fixed fare that you can easily sort in advance...


---------- Post added 27-01-2017 at 14:22 ----------


Expecting change from a £5 note for a fare of over £2 is not unreasonable.


So lets say everyone does it in a day and waves a fiver... for a bus that has maybe a hundred passnegers on it each full run of the route and perhaps six such passes in a shift, that's £1200+ in change.


For a company of just ten buses that's £10k a day in cash to be handled.


That's A) heavy B) a security risk.


Change in a high volume fixed price situation is unreasonable. It costs a lot of money to handle cash.

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There's never been a legal right to be given change you know... if you have a debt to be settled then I don't have to give you change if you proffer over the odds.


I'm not technically asking for change. I'm answering is it a bad policy to expect your customers to have to make an effort to use your service and the answer is 'of course it is'. So if giving change makes it easier for customers then give change. If having contactless payment machines makes it easier, then have the blooming machines. Why do buses seem to act in a different way to all other businesses?

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I'm not technically asking for change. I'm answering is it a bad policy to expect your customers to have to make an effort to use your service and the answer is 'of course it is'. So if giving change makes it easier for customers then give change. If having contactless payment machines makes it easier, then have the blooming machines. Why do buses seem to act in a different way to all other businesses?


Because buses are different to all other businesses perhaps and have some unique security problems carrying a lot of change about.

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Because buses are different to all other businesses perhaps and have some unique security problems carrying a lot of change about.


A few years ago I would have agree with you and said that yes there's no real solution to the change issue. Then along came contactless payments which would pretty much eradicate the issue, yet STILL our buses do not have this most basic system. ARGH.

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Guest busdriver1
A few years ago I would have agree with you and said that yes there's no real solution to the change issue. Then along came contactless payments which would pretty much eradicate the issue, yet STILL our buses do not have this most basic system. ARGH.


You want them, you go out and buy the machines, they are just pennies after all.

They have just fitted machines that can scan passes and they are nowhere near life expired.

Alternatively, just live life as it is, not how you want it to be.


---------- Post added 27-01-2017 at 20:24 ----------


Why do buses seem to act in a different way to all other businesses?


Probably because they ARE different?


---------- Post added 27-01-2017 at 20:28 ----------


Erm, yes. It's of course a ridiculous policy to make people go out of their way to obtain change so they can pay for a service being offered by your employer whose sole reason for operating the service is to make money from taking it from people looking to use the service.


This isn't an attitude problem with the customer, it's an attitude problem with Stagecoach and First. Rather than finding a solution that works for the CUSTOMER (you know the ones who make profit for them) they instead decide to refuse to adapt and as a result are losing customers. I will now get a taxi rather than use the bus on short routes as it's only just more expensive and I can carry not a penny of cash on my yet still get to where I want to go. Magic modern technology isn't it?


Seriously, get your employers to wake up to customer service and demands and then perhaps your passengers will be less mardy.


Try running a business where you are expected to jump onto every new whim at GREAT expense just to save a minority of customers the inconvenience of thinking about someone other than themselves.

Or better still stick to taxi's, bus companies dont need moaning so & so's that want everything on a plate.


---------- Post added 27-01-2017 at 20:33 ----------



Seriously, get your employers to wake up to customer service and demands and then perhaps your passengers will be less mardy.


So explain why when you go to other towns this is not seen as a problem, and if you read posts properly you would have deduced that talking to my employer would not make any difference as I do not work in the industry any more as a direct result of people like you.

There must be something in the air or water in sheffield.

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I literally cannot get my head around all of you idiots thinking they have the right to be given change. My dad works on the buses, he takes out a £20 flont, most of which is his own money. He tries his hardest everyday to have change. Fivers, pound coins etc. He can be on shift for 10 /12 hours and the only break he gets is his lunch break. If the first ten people get on his bus and pay with notes, thats his money gone. For the next five hours where do you think he gets change from? Do you think he just gets off the bus and wanders in to a shop to ask while leaving people on the bus. No he doesnt, he has to hope some people give the right money to build his money back up.

Buses arent the same as a shop, shops have a safe where money gets put and not in the pockets of the sales assistant, shops can walk to the bank and get change. My dad cant do that.


So how about you pull your fingers out your ass and use the correct money. Dont think getting on with a £20 note to expect a free ride as you will be very much dissapointed

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