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Free Wi Fi plan for city centre.

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Given that they have it in Leeds / Manchester / Liverpool etc & given that the usual chirp on here is "Sheffield is so far behind Leeds / Manchester / Liverpool on (insert topic of choice)", what's not to like??


Maybe Look North will come to see what Sheffield is really like......

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Heard this on the news this morning. Apparently offering free wifi is to encourage more shoppers.


As shoppers with smart phones but can't afford a data plan are big spenders obviously.


Just like shoppers who can afford a car but baulk at paying parking charges. How disappointed are their family & friends when it comes o presents? "I was going to get you a .... but refused to pay the £1.40 parking fee."

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Anyone signing up to use the wifi will accept a TOS that allows your location and personal details (name, email address, possibly postal address etc) to be sold on, plus you'll be allowing yourself to be bombarded with spam.


Which begs the question of why it's called "free" wifi when it's certainly not - that information has a monetary value and it's being given away. So its not free...

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Which begs the question of why it's called "free" wifi when it's certainly not - that information has a monetary value and it's being given away. So its not free...


Because you are agreeing to the TOS, you agree to use this "free" wifi on the basis that you can be tracked via your device.

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Which begs the question of why it's called "free" wifi when it's certainly not - that information has a monetary value and it's being given away. So its not free...


If someone could find a way to charge money for the air we breathe it never be free again.

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