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Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

Will Trump last his full presidential term ?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

    • Trump will not last his full term
    • Trump probably won`t last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term and get re-elected

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Well, Trump`s approval rating has dropped even lower, one poll had it at only 42%, which is unprecedented at this stage of any presidency.


I don`t know about you, but it made me sick to see Theresa May creeping to Trump. Sick and embarrassed to be British, not that I`m so patriotic about the latter any more anyway.


Look. I hate trump as much as the next person. He makes my skin crawl and I cannot wait to see the day when he is toppled from his gaudy gold covered throne.


BUT, whether we like it or not. He IS the President of the USA. She is OUR prime minister.


She still has to carry on and do her job. That sometimes means dealing with people who they neither agree with or necessarilly like whatsoever.


Its called being a politician. What exactly is she supposed to do? Pretend he does not exist and turn her back on him like a child.


We are leaving the EU. We need to set up good strong trade relationships with countries away from the Brussels clique.


Teresa May is not like Corbyn. She does not spout off a reaction on a whim and deal with the consequences (and more often, embarrasment) later.


She took time to get a grasp of what was happening and made a statement.


She has said that she does not agree with what Trump has done. She has said that she will offer all assistance necessary to british citizens affected. What more do they want?


TM is quite right. Its US business. We dont agree with it. We dont support it. End of the matter.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Well, Trump`s approval rating has dropped even lower, one poll had it at only 42%, which is unprecedented at this stage of any presidency.


I don`t know about you, but it made me sick to see Theresa May creeping to Trump. Sick and embarrassed to be British, not that I`m so patriotic about the latter any more anyway.


Sorry, I missed this, Trump`s approval rating is actually down to 36% by this poll.


---------- Post added 29-01-2017 at 16:54 ----------


So glad Trump won. He's talking about bringing an end to American companies having carte blanche to fire their workers, move abroad to set up their company there, and think that their products will just flow back in to America. He's going to bring in a border tax to disincentivize them doing it. And you can tell he means it. Shame we haven't got leaders with that kind of backbone here.


Trump`s ideas sound like CSE (Unclassified grade......) economics to me.

What I find so interesting about people`s attitude to Trump, and, indeed, UKIP, is they`re both right wing. Low tax and low spend. History teaches us that the only way to improve the lot of those at the bottom is redistributive taxation but at a level low enough not to stifle capitalist economic growth. All this populistic nationalisim is a simplistic and futile attempt to find a way that doesn`t exist. Trade wars, and indeed limiting the labour market, are counter productive to the working classes.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Hillary R. Clinton got 2.9 million more people in the popular vote, but Trump won the antiquated "Electoral College" vote because voters in the US "Rustbelt" believed him saying that he could bring back millions of manufacturing jobs !

He is walking back many of the promises already that got him elected. The latest over this past weekend was on his stated intention to bring back torture to POWs by the US military. He has now ducked that by saying he will "Leave the decision to his Generals." He already knows they are on public record saying they will not go along with torture, so he was already blocked.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Trump hasn`t started too well has he !

Nearly 2 million sign a petition to have his UK State visit called off (not that his supporters will be much bothered about that, they`re only bothered about America).

His "Executive order" over immigration is overturned by the courts (after he sacks his chief legal officer for telling him and his staff the order isn`t legal, and it wasn`t ) !

His National Security adviser has to resign after being found out lying to the Vice President !

Calls for inquiries into Trump`s relations / contacts with the Russians

Incredibly, this is all in less than one month !

Surely this is the most dysfunctional US Presidency ever.


As I said before if this were a "normal" President I`d say my theory he wouldn`t last his 4 years would be very likely, but you must remember Trump is not "normal" President. He has no shame and minimal interest in what other people think.

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Well Trump hasn`t started too well has he !

Nearly 2 million sign a petition to have his UK State visit called off (not that his supporters will be much bothered about that, they`re only bothered about America).

His "Executive order" over immigration is overturned by the courts (after he sacks his chief legal officer for telling him and his staff the order isn`t legal, and it wasn`t ) !

His National Security adviser has to resign after being found out lying to the Vice President !

Calls for inquiries into Trump`s relations / contacts with the Russians

Incredibly, this is all in less than one month !

Surely this is the most dysfunctional US Presidency ever.


As I said before if this were a "normal" President I`d say my theory he wouldn`t last his 4 years would be very likely, but you must remember Trump is not "normal" President. He has no shame and minimal interest in what other people think.


I'm no Trump fan but his Executive order over immigration has NOT been overturned and Sally Yates who was sacked over this was on her way out anyway as soon as Jeff Sessions is sworn in.


I hope it lasts a while to be honest. It is much better than House of Cards which was getting a little stale.

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I'm no Trump fan but his Executive order over immigration has NOT been overturned and Sally Yates who was sacked over this was on her way out anyway as soon as Jeff Sessions is sworn in.


I hope it lasts a while to be honest. It is much better than House of Cards which was getting a little stale.


You are, of course correct, but, as some Americans agreed (when I met them on holiday), it looks very bad that he sacked someone for giving him advice which was correct and he was worong. It looks like he doesn`t know what he`s doing, which is pretty well what we all expected.

On his Executive order, I thought the latest was he`d lost twice (or is it three times ? ) in the courts. I was listening to the case as I was bored waiting for our plane, and I have to say the State`s attorney really didn`t sound like he believed in, or even believed at all, what he was saying......

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You are, of course correct, but, as some Americans agreed (when I met them on holiday), it looks very bad that he sacked someone for giving him advice which was correct and he was worong. It looks like he doesn`t know what he`s doing, which is pretty well what we all expected.

On his Executive order, I thought the latest was he`d lost twice (or is it three times ? ) in the courts. I was listening to the case as I was bored waiting for our plane, and I have to say the State`s attorney really didn`t sound like he believed in, or even believed at all, what he was saying......


It's been suspended or put on hold by the courts up until a supreme court hearing has taken place and the supreme court declares it constitutional or not. The courts have not made a decision on whether it is unconstitutional or not, just that if it is found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme court 'irreparable damage' will have been done to those affected.

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It`d be interesting to know if the poll numbers would be different if the poll was rerun now. Call me a cynic but I`m not sure they would, I think there are people out there who equate Trump with Brexit *, and would hate to be negative about Brexit in any way shape or form.


* correctly :

1 - Trump probably wouldn't have got voted in were it not for Brexit.

2 - They`re both nationalistic populism (though I accept Brexit isn`t as bad as Trump). Witness Penistone999, that infamous English Nationalist, (somewhat illogically it must be said) using a picture of Trump as his Avatar.

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Justin Smith:


No he has not started out too well ! It is scary to see the US government in such disarray and turmoil. Some one a few posts ago said she hope "It" lasts for a while. I don't believe "It" can last for four years.


One other thing now boiling over. Trump sent his VP Pence out to mislead the US public, relative to the phone call(s) Lieutenant General Flynn, the governments National Security Advisor, had made to the Russians. Pence said "No political discussions, or the subject of US sanctions against Russia, had been discussed with the Russian Ambassador to the US. "


According to public news reports in the USA, Trump had been informed three weeks prior by the FBI that they had intercepted the phone call and knew what the exchange was all about. Trump hid this knowledge from his VP and still sent him out to mislead the public three weeks after the fact. Being the type of person Trump is, he was hoping that the whole thing would blow over and he himself would not face any questions.


The more important question is who authorized Flynn to speak with the Russians and what direction was he given ?? Another question is why would Trump hire Flynn, knowing of his previous Putin & Russian connections and that the previous US government had sacked him ?

Edited by glennpickard
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