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Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

Will Trump last his full presidential term ?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

    • Trump will not last his full term
    • Trump probably won`t last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term and get re-elected

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We know that Trump is a slow motion car crash with the trajectory set and impact is going to happen sooner or later,the only question is,can normal people,principally in the USA,contain what ensues to the minimum,or we are all going to have to look out.

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get over it he is the elected leader of the USA, get used to it like we are leaving the EU


I cannot understand why anyone over here, not anyone who actually thinks about it, would be pleased that Trump was the US President.

Even nationalists, like Penistone999, shouldn`t be pleased about it, let`s repeat shall we ? :


Trump is an American nationalist, that is America first.


British nationalists want Britain first.


Can`t you see the illogicality......


To anyone who isn`t a nationalist, it`s quite obvious why people don`t like or respect Trump.


I see you`re pro Brexit, you know the vote that was won by lying ? If not, when is the NHS getting its £350 million a week ? And when are we going to get this free trade deal (like all the Leavers said we definitely would* "because the EU have more to gain form it") ?


* Note, it was only the Leave campaign which said this, and repeatedly. Everyone else said it was not going to happen.

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Depends on how they are or are not being reported.


Fake news media. Failing NYT.


Like I said this is the best drama ever. The makers of House of Cards must be gutted, who is going to bother watching the new series when real life is much more bizarre.

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Depends on how they are or are not being reported.


The overhead shots from the cameras ? Surely they`re comparable ?

But on this "it depends how they`re being reported thing", which, to a certain extent I agree with you on, I`m sure the Express or Mail would not report them the same way as The Times or the BBC, because to the Express or Mail they (correctly as it happens) equate Trump with Brexit, and they`re head over heels about the latter.

Conclusion : If you want to know what`s really going on watch the BBC or read The Times

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It seems now almost like any kind of sensible moderate is excluded from the debate. There's crazy nonsense in support and against Trump. The lunatics are running the asylum.

Most of the rest of the debate is being drowned out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I cannot understand why anyone over here, not anyone who actually thinks about it, would be pleased that Trump was the US President.

Even nationalists, like Penistone999, shouldn`t be pleased about it, let`s repeat shall we ? :


Trump is an American nationalist, that is America first.


British nationalists want Britain first.


Can`t you see the illogicality......


To anyone who isn`t a nationalist, it`s quite obvious why people don`t like or respect Trump.


I see you`re pro Brexit, you know the vote that was won by lying ? If not, when is the NHS getting its £350 million a week ? And when are we going to get this free trade deal (like all the Leavers said we definitely would* "because the EU have more to gain form it") ?


* Note, it was only the Leave campaign which said this, and repeatedly. Everyone else said it was not going to happen.




Here are a couple of the Remoaners porky pies.


David Cameron implied in a speech about the “serried rows of white headstones” that World War 3 would be upon us if Brexit occurred. The last time I checked the UK had not invaded Poland or any other country, and therefore we must conclude this was a lie.


George Osborne predicted tax rises and spending cuts would be implemented. To date, no changes to the planned tax rates or public spending have been implemented. So, another lie, and thankfully after his sacking Osborne is no longer in a position create his ‘punishment budget’.


Despite Anna Soubry’s claim to the contrary on a recent Question Time appearance, Remainers did suggest there would be an immediate Brexit recession. No recession to date, in fact the OECD now believes the UK economy will grow 1.8% this year, up 0.1% on its pre-referendum estimate. Even Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, now admits he is “quietly optimistic” about Brexit. Lie number four.


3 million people in the UK will lose their jobs was the fictitious figure banded about. However, in July the claimant count fell by 8,600 to 763,600, despite an expected rise of 9,500. Another lie.


“A dangerous fantasy” is how Nick Clegg described Nigel Farage’s claim of EU plans to create an army. Barely three months on from the Referendum, Juncker has proposed an EU Army. I’m looking forward to Nick Clegg’s next apology video like the one he made after his last whopper.


We were told companies would leave the UK in their droves, especially in the car industry. There is no sign of this, and UK car manufacturing achieving its 12th successive month of growth in July, with production passing one million units in seven months for the first time in 12 years. Lie number 7.


David Cameron said he wouldn’t resign as Prime Minister if he lost the Referendum vote. Enough said.


The former Prime Minister also tried to claim the UK could manage its immigration policy while inside the EU. Why are ‘Remain’ campaigners insisting we start to control immigration in any Brexit deal then? Because we cannot control EU immigration now, proving Cameron was lying.


Universities wanted the UK to remain in the EU because leaving would result in Horizon 2020 funding disappearing. Our new Chancellor, Philip Hammond, has agreed to keep this funding in place. Lie number 10.


This is 10 of many lies spouted by the ‘Remain’ campaign during the EU referendum. It is about time us Brexiteers challenged this ridiculous narrative of leave lies and remain truths. We voted ‘Leave’ for control over the laws of this country, and the patronising suggestion we are gullible idiots is quite frankly ridiculous. Remain campaigners should look in the mirror if they want to find a liar. The sooner we Get Britain Out of the EU, the better.


Thanks to the Huff Post for the above.


As for the DONALD, he is doing in power what he said he would do if elected. Have we finally found a Politician who is honest.



Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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As for the DONALD, he is doing in power what he said he would do if elected. Have we finally found a Politician who is honest.




nope - can't wait for the invoice for the first phase of construction of "the Wall" to be sent over to Mexico.


If they weren't bugging him before, they will be now.


We can expect more of his tax affairs to be revealed soon - can't imagine who you need to know (or who you are) to gain access to that sort of information and then pass it on to the media.

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Interesting information from Angelfire1. I am still trying to get as much info. as I can on the Brexit issue. It seems to me that the issue now boils down to uncontrolled immigration, with someone in Brussels deciding the volume of immigrants the UK will take, but with the UK wanting to manage its own future relative to security, immigration and trading laws.

This has to be weighed against remaining in a long established group of 28 nations for political and trading benefits, and one immigration policy.


With the UK outside the group maybe the other 27 might listen to reason, not Merkel & Co., about extracting the politics and getting back to being a trading block with each country setting its own standards relative to refugees/immigrants/customs and security.


In the next 2 years I believe we will see more EU nations wanting changes made to the status quo, and then have to make decisions for their future if they cannot get them. Especially if "Non mainstream" parties acquire

more influence

The EU certainly has value, but probably not a "Blank cheque with 3rd party control" value !"

Edited by glennpickard
missed out one line
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