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Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

Will Trump last his full presidential term ?  

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  1. 1. Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

    • Trump will not last his full term
    • Trump probably won`t last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term and get re-elected

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Interesting information from Angelfire1. I am still trying to get as much info. as I can on the Brexit issue.


you need to get out more


It seems to me that the issue now boils down to uncontrolled immigration,


nope, there were all sorts of reasons people voted to leave the EU. Immigration may have been an issue for some, but amongst many of those who post on here it doesn't appear to have been that much of an issue.


with someone in Brussels deciding the volume of immigrants the UK will take,


again, that is incorrect,


This has to be weighed against remaining in a long established group of 28 nations for political and trading benefits, and one immigration policy.


there isn't one immigration policy though, each country has it's own.

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you need to get out more.
Bit harsh. His location says Florida. If it really is, I can understand his need to research the issue, which isn't going to be front central news day-in, day-out over there :)


Correct for all other points though.

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Where are they? Nuremburg? :)


There have always been demonstrations supporting Trump. In America he's surprisingly popular and his approval ratings have risen.


Of course you wouldn't know this listening to the Media, who don't approve of Donald Trump and are determined to use their influence to make sure nobody else does either.


I have no particular opinion one way or the other, but I do think it's insidious the way the media have stopped reporting the news and seem determined to make it instead.


What happened to fair, honest and balanced reporting?

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Here are a couple of the Remoaners porky pies.


David Cameron implied in a speech about the “serried rows of white headstones” that World War 3 would be upon us if Brexit occurred. The last time I checked the UK had not invaded Poland or any other country, and therefore we must conclude this was a lie.


not quite sure why you think we have to invade Poland to start WW3,....


we were the cotter pin which held together all the institutions which have maintained a reasonably peaceful world since 1945. we were in the unique position of being able to explain the EU's position to the USA and vice versa. we've pretty much thrown that position away.


an acrimonious exit from the EU stands a very good chance of weakening NATO.


there was also a broad hint of isolationism in some of the leaver's rhetoric, our recent record of interfering in the worlds problems might not be sparkling but to turn our backs on the worlds problems, many of which we are partly responsible for is the height of irresponsibility.


George Osborne predicted tax rises and spending cuts would be implemented. To date, no changes to the planned tax rates or public spending have been implemented. So, another lie, and thankfully after his sacking Osborne is no longer in a position create his ‘punishment budget’.


you do realise that there are billions of cuts to services coming and as the last few days have shown very little room to increase taxes, though we'll see how the Chancellor balances his books in the autumn.


Despite Anna Soubry’s claim to the contrary on a recent Question Time appearance, Remainers did suggest there would be an immediate Brexit recession. No recession to date, in fact the OECD now believes the UK economy will grow 1.8% this year, up 0.1% on its pre-referendum estimate. Even Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, now admits he is “quietly optimistic” about Brexit. Lie number four.


3 million people in the UK will lose their jobs was the fictitious figure banded about. However, in July the claimant count fell by 8,600 to 763,600, despite an expected rise of 9,500. Another lie.


we haven't left yet, as the government seems intent on destroying the uk's involvement in pan-eu supply chains then this may all come to fruition quite soon.


“A dangerous fantasy” is how Nick Clegg described Nigel Farage’s claim of EU plans to create an army. Barely three months on from the Referendum, Juncker has proposed an EU Army.


we're turning our backs on our trading partners for the last 40 years, maybe they feel we might walk away from our mutual defence commitments too... Obama didn't seem overly bothered about NATO, and despite his recent apparent change of heart Trump seems less interested. Exploring alternatives for their mutual defence seem quite a prudent thing for the EU to do. Anyway, we're leaving so why do you care?


The former Prime Minister also tried to claim the UK could manage its immigration policy while inside the EU. Why are ‘Remain’ campaigners insisting we start to control immigration in any Brexit deal then? Because we cannot control EU immigration now, proving Cameron was lying.


the tools to control immigration have always been there, other EU countries seem to manage it, the UK chose not to use them.


Universities wanted the UK to remain in the EU because leaving would result in Horizon 2020 funding disappearing. Our new Chancellor, Philip Hammond, has agreed to keep this funding in place. Lie number 10.


there was no commitment to any of this during the campaign. the leavers were silent about these things. hammond was pretty much forced to confirm continuing funding these and other projects.


We voted ‘Leave’ for control over the laws of this country,


we always had control


---------- Post added 16-03-2017 at 23:25 ----------


There have always been demonstrations supporting Trump. In America he's surprisingly popular and his approval ratings have risen.


be interesting to see what happens when the 24million americans who were provided with health insurance under obamacare lose their cover under the replacement


there was someone on the radio today who was pointing out that his proposed budget might mean the end of things like meals on wheels and other schemes which support elderly and poor americans, largely people who voted for him.


the removal of financial regulations and protections will mean that people will fall victim to all sorts of scams and frauds, the victims again will largely be amongst the people who voted for him.

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There have always been demonstrations supporting Trump. In America he's surprisingly popular and his approval ratings have risen.


Of course you wouldn't know this listening to the Media, who don't approve of Donald Trump and are determined to use their influence to make sure nobody else does either.


I have no particular opinion one way or the other, but I do think it's insidious the way the media have stopped reporting the news and seem determined to make it instead.


What happened to fair, honest and balanced reporting?


They are reporting the news as far as I can see, however reality is so bizarre that it seems to be unbelievable.


And his approval rating has fallen again, even on the Fox News and Rasmussen polls that Trump himself said were the only polls not 'Fake News'


As for 'Finally an honest politician' (From AngelFire1), he seems like a pathological liar. He just makes stuff up and still hasn't realised he is the POTUS and needs to back up claims he makes.


As for his level of intelligence. I'm just going to quote one of his speeches.


'Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.'


President of the United States right there. Haha.

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Here are a couple of the Remoaners porky pies.


David Cameron implied in a speech about the “serried rows of white headstones” that World War 3 would be upon us if Brexit occurred. The last time I checked the UK had not invaded Poland or any other country, and therefore we must conclude this was a lie.


George Osborne predicted tax rises and spending cuts would be implemented. To date, no changes to the planned tax rates or public spending have been implemented. So, another lie, and thankfully after his sacking Osborne is no longer in a position create his ‘punishment budget’.


Despite Anna Soubry’s claim to the contrary on a recent Question Time appearance, Remainers did suggest there would be an immediate Brexit recession. No recession to date, in fact the OECD now believes the UK economy will grow 1.8% this year, up 0.1% on its pre-referendum estimate. Even Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, now admits he is “quietly optimistic” about Brexit. Lie number four.


3 million people in the UK will lose their jobs was the fictitious figure banded about. However, in July the claimant count fell by 8,600 to 763,600, despite an expected rise of 9,500. Another lie.


“A dangerous fantasy” is how Nick Clegg described Nigel Farage’s claim of EU plans to create an army. Barely three months on from the Referendum, Juncker has proposed an EU Army. I’m looking forward to Nick Clegg’s next apology video like the one he made after his last whopper.


We were told companies would leave the UK in their droves, especially in the car industry. There is no sign of this, and UK car manufacturing achieving its 12th successive month of growth in July, with production passing one million units in seven months for the first time in 12 years. Lie number 7.


David Cameron said he wouldn’t resign as Prime Minister if he lost the Referendum vote. Enough said.


The former Prime Minister also tried to claim the UK could manage its immigration policy while inside the EU. Why are ‘Remain’ campaigners insisting we start to control immigration in any Brexit deal then? Because we cannot control EU immigration now, proving Cameron was lying.


Universities wanted the UK to remain in the EU because leaving would result in Horizon 2020 funding disappearing. Our new Chancellor, Philip Hammond, has agreed to keep this funding in place. Lie number 10.


This is 10 of many lies spouted by the ‘Remain’ campaign during the EU referendum. It is about time us Brexiteers challenged this ridiculous narrative of leave lies and remain truths. We voted ‘Leave’ for control over the laws of this country, and the patronising suggestion we are gullible idiots is quite frankly ridiculous. Remain campaigners should look in the mirror if they want to find a liar. The sooner we Get Britain Out of the EU, the better.


Thanks to the Huff Post for the above.


As for the DONALD, he is doing in power what he said he would do if elected. Have we finally found a Politician who is honest.




I think you`re on the wrong thread with this inaccurate rant. In case you hadn`t noticed we haven`t even left the EU yet. When we do I`m looking forward to the promised free trade deal ("they sell more to us than we sell to them so we`ll get a good deal" [implication : as good, more or less, as now]) and £350 million a week to the NHS. Until those happen I have no respect for the Referendum result. If you want to continue with this I suggest you do so on the Brexit thread.

By the way Angel, do you read the Daily Mail or Daily Express ?


---------- Post added 17-03-2017 at 09:50 ----------


There have always been demonstrations supporting Trump. In America he's surprisingly popular and his approval ratings have risen.


Of course you wouldn't know this listening to the Media, who don't approve of Donald Trump and are determined to use their influence to make sure nobody else does either.


I have no particular opinion one way or the other, but I do think it's insidious the way the media have stopped reporting the news and seem determined to make it instead.


What happened to fair, honest and balanced reporting?


I was looking at a graph of Presidential approval ratings since Eisenhower. Trump is off the scale at the bottom, it`s incredible.

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According to the fevered mind of Trump, he was now not wire tapped at all, but 'under surveillance'.

As a presidential candidate, I would imagine that is par for the course, (to use a golfing term :) )

If he wasn't he may have been of hob-nobbing with Russian envoys and the like.


He also says it was GCHQ spooking him, and not any American agencies.

The USA is completely 'not under command' (to use a naval term :) )at present.

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According to the fevered mind of Trump, he was now not wire tapped at all, but 'under surveillance'.

As a presidential candidate, I would imagine that is par for the course, (to use a golfing term :) )

If he wasn't he may have been of hob-nobbing with Russian envoys and the like.


He also says it was GCHQ spooking him, and not any American agencies.

The USA is completely 'not under command' (to use a naval term :) )at present.


I agree. I would find it harder to believe that Trump was notunder surveillance, and wire tapped. They were desperately looking for an excuse to unseat him.

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I agree. I would find it harder to believe that Trump was notunder surveillance, and wire tapped. They were desperately looking for an excuse to unseat him.


He is serving their purpose at present.

When he is no longer useful to them he will be gone.

There are plenty of Lee Harvey Oswald's and Jack Ruby's in the world to help them.

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