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Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

Will Trump last his full presidential term ?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Trump last his full presidential term ?

    • Trump will not last his full term
    • Trump probably won`t last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term
    • Trump will last his full term and get re-elected

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I advocate the use of force to prevent genocide, and to remove dictators from their positions, and to defend my country.

I further advocate it to protect my fellow countrymen's interests abroad if necessary.

What I do not advocate is lying, cheating politician's sending our armed forces (arguably the best in the world, bar none) to risk their lives by dealing death to people who do not deserve it, purely to improve their own poll ratings.


I am a true patriot, not a fluffy pinkoe, or a stinking tory.

I trust that clarifies matters.


So you don't have a problem with the Falklands response then.

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So you don't have a problem with the Falklands response then.


Yes I do.

it was unnecessary, and only done to bolster the traitor Thatcher's lust for power.

Sending the best soldiers in the world to wipe the floor up with a bunch of rag-tag conscripts was out of order.


Anyway, you are taking this off topic.

the thread is about what prospects are there for the lunatic incumbent in the post of POTUS.

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Yes I do.

it was unnecessary, and only done to bolster the traitor Thatcher's lust for power.

Sending the best soldiers in the world to wipe the floor up with a bunch of rag-tag conscripts was out of order.


Anyway, you are taking this off topic.

the thread is about what prospects are there for the lunatic incumbent in the post of POTUS.


I doubt that the people of the Falklands thought it unnecessary.

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I weigh in heavily on the side of HM government relative to the Falklands. You cannot invade another sovereign territory just because you have "Lodged a territorial claim." This is a Putin M.O.


Yes it may have helped Mrs.T. in the polls with the timing, but that is a secondary issue relative to the 3,500 Falkland Islanders who wanted the Argentinian invaders out of their land.

Keep in mind the Galtieri totalitarian government that was in Argentina at the time.


The Tomahawk attack in Syria may have helped Trump in the polls, but nevertheless a reaction was necessary and required quickly, to Assad's murdering of civilians with gas bombing attacks. To date this is about the only action he has done that I agree with.

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I weigh in heavily on the side of HM government relative to the Falklands. You cannot invade another sovereign territory just because you have "Lodged a territorial claim." This is a Putin M.O.


Yes it may have helped Mrs.T. in the polls with the timing, but that is a secondary issue relative to the 3,500 Falkland Islanders who wanted the Argentinian invaders out of their land.

Keep in mind the Galtieri totalitarian government that was in Argentina at the time.


The Tomahawk attack in Syria may have helped Trump in the polls, but nevertheless a reaction was necessary and required quickly, to Assad's murdering of civilians with gas bombing attacks. To date this is about the only action he has done that I agree with.


A very sage post if I may say so.

It's also worth adding that Thatchers recovery in the polls preceded the Falklands issue a little as I tend to put it more down to her finding her feet on economic policy.

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<...> The Tomahawk attack in Syria may have helped Trump in the polls, but nevertheless a reaction was necessary and required quickly, to Assad's murdering of civilians with gas bombing attacks. <...>
So long as it is eventually proven that Assad is guilty as charged, no problem...but what if he isn't?


Putin is sufficiently adept at realpolitik to sacrifice Assad's assets for his own ends, e.g. gauging Trump's resolve and that of others, if not still more nefarious ends (such as e.g. engineering a 'vortex' conflict in the ME with a view to deplete NATO's current northern deployment, all the better if lil'Kim in NK continues to agitate for fixing US pacific forces in place).


You can be sure that someone somewhere (US, Israel, Turkey...) knows what kind of airframe(s) was or were up near there at the time the explosions occurred, and at least the vector they came from and left towards, from which to infer which country's it was with reasonable certainty.


The public is just being mushroomed as usual, but that can be as much down to legitimate intelligence purposes (to avoid revealing source/gathering method), as to political purposes.


Now, granted, doing nothing is a just as much of a decision as doing something. But what if Trump's something is simply realpolitik play (into Putin's hands) rather than justifiable redress?

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A very sage post if I may say so.

It's also worth adding that Thatchers recovery in the polls preceded the Falklands issue a little as I tend to put it more down to her finding her feet on economic policy.


Er no. It was the Falklands and the fact that Labour had Michael Foot in charge at the time. An error they`re making again, not with Michael Foot obviously, but you all know what I mean.

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L00b, you ask "what if Assad is not guilty ?" Assad has a history of killing his own people. The Homs Tomahawk strike was a "Pay attention" warning and took out 50% of his airworthy aircraft I believe, which is a positive.


US military satellites had probably tracked the intruders giving a time & track, but we will never know for absolute certain. For the record, the Pentagon states that it is beyond doubt where the aircraft came from.


So for me the Homs strike puts both the Russians and Syrians on notice that they should now tread very carefully going forward with indiscriminate attacks


The news reports I see indicate ISIS and other 3rd party rebel groups did not have and cannot store Sarin gas. Syria can and does, and has probably lied about destroying it all in 2013. So I believe all the signs point to Assad's guilt.


Did Putin know about the attack is a more important question ? He appears to be heavily involved in the "Cover up" story, which is not a good sign.

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