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New cocktail for the 20th..

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They are waving a new cocktail around in my office in "celebration" of the coming inauguration.


Coffee and vodka, with cream on top is a White Russian.


Add a thin skin of an orange and a fake gold leaf and you have "Nyet my President."


It's going down great guns in the bars near here....


(apologies to the mods if it should be in a more trivial section but it's actually a real creation and not a joke, although it sounds it)

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But maybe his "office" is a basement pole dancing club where men in gimp suits gyrate and put on performances involving varieties of root vegetable for the pleasure of the unwashed clientele? Think twice, my friend!


Would I still be able to take my holiday in March, if it's already booked?

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But maybe his "office" is a basement pole dancing club where men in gimp suits gyrate and put on performances involving varieties of root vegetable for the pleasure of the unwashed clientele? Think twice, my friend!


We've not been able to get root vegetables due to the snow in southern spain. We've been asking clients to supply their own roots.

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Maybe the club (sorry, "office") could be called Wanna Root?


The office sits above a cocktail and drinks bar. The translation is roughly "the pool of alcohol"


Fortunatly the bar isn't open until 6pm otherwise we'd all be wasted come lunchtime...

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The office sits above a cocktail and drinks bar. The translation is roughly "the pool of alcohol"


Fortunatly the bar isn't open until 6pm otherwise we'd all be wasted come lunchtime...


This reminds me of the preface to my edition of Zola's excellent misery-fest L'assomoir. They tried to translate the title into English but had to give up because the literal translation is "The Place You Go to Get Pished" for which there is no equivalent in English. Vive La France!

Edited by Bob Arctor
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