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Demolition and futility

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Playing devils advocate, bad workmanship perhaps? The 60s hasnt got a great reputation for building or architecture!


The 60's probably saw some of the finest workmanship ever experienced and some of the best considered Architecture, just not in a style that Prince Charles prefers. Unfortunately every decade since has seen a massive decline in willingness to carry out maintenance.

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The concept of Gleadless Valley was clearly a good one but one wonders why that estate in particular has become such a low demand area. Does the design lend itself to antisocial and criminal behaviour or is there another reason? It's not all bad by any means but it has some persistent problems and living on Ironside and Blackstock has not been easy for quite some time now.


I think Gleadless Valley was an excellent design. The landscaping, the green space, the amenities, and the spaciousness and shape of the rooms in the houses and flats there is quite amazing, especially compared to flats and houses that have been built in recent years, where you can stretch out from the settee and touch the opposite wall! Heaven knows how long they will last - not very long, I hope!


For my twopenneth, the problem with GV now is that the housing is no longer always appropriate for the people now living there, eg - some elderly single people in houses whilst some huge families with same gender kids sharing 3 and 4 to a bedroom in flat with no garden! There doesn't seem to be adequate 'organisation' of allocation. I also think for many reasons, some of the residents of GV feel 'sidelined', like they are living on a 'lost' estate, and associated with this is the sense of feeling a lack of pride in where you live, which then has a knock-on effect. I can appreciate some residents who once had beautiful gardens have given up trying trying with them due to thefts and them being vandalised, which is a terrible shame. I think if I lived there I would expect the council to be tougher with anti-social behaviour. Also, the green spaces are great to look at, but it seems everywhere you look it says 'no ball games', so I think they need to provide more spaces for kids to play football/basketball.


As for other buildings, my uncle worked on the Hallamshire, sadly, he passed away whilst waiting for a replacement heart valve which was over 10 years overdue. He took great pride in his work, and I think many buildings of the sixties have had great workmanship. The choice of materials they were provided with though, and the planning is where the problems occurred. I know he thought the Hallamshire was an absolute disaster in terms of the planning with regard to the access, and I concur. In terms of access and parking, it was never going to efficiently serve a growing city such as ours, especially now with years of cuts in the NHS when increasingly people are coming from all over the country to the Hallamshire.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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