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Narrow mindedness


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i know the classic - got any niche or bloody r and b - my new line is to say i'm filling in for a mate so i may not have the tunes you want, sorry!!!


seems to work most of the time!!

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Think it's the same everywhere at the moment. Lack of curiousity methinks..


Example 1: Went to see Steve Spacek at F & Family on saturday. Couldn't have been more than 100 in.


Example 2: As reported by a friend playing at a bar on fri night. Played Curtis Mayfield "Move on up" (not exactly an unknown one) and was asked to play the "original by Kanye West"

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sheffield has always been fairly narrow minded. will stay that way but the worst thing that happens and really annoys me is after you've played an hour someone will come up and ask "got any niche tunes?":suspect: :rant::gag:

God, im so sick of hearing that......

Especially when its something like a 70's / 80's theme night :loopy:

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Think it's the same everywhere at the moment. Lack of curiousity methinks..


Example 1: Went to see Steve Spacek at F & Family on saturday. Couldn't have been more than 100 in.


Example 2: As reported by a friend playing at a bar on fri night. Played Curtis Mayfield "Move on up" (not exactly an unknown one) and was asked to play the "original by Kanye West"


I wouldn't have even thought the latter funny. I would have personally escorted the silly ****er out. Not knocking Kanye, of course, but I think I'd have had real trouble restraining myself from pulling a spaz face at this poor soul.

Can't believe the Spacek gig turnout. In Manc?! WHAT IS GOING ON PEOPLE?

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Think it's the same everywhere at the moment. Lack of curiousity methinks..


Example 1: Went to see Steve Spacek at F & Family on saturday. Couldn't have been more than 100 in.


Example 2: As reported by a friend playing at a bar on fri night. Played Curtis Mayfield "Move on up" (not exactly an unknown one) and was asked to play the "original by Kanye West"



:o :o :o :o

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I wouldn't have even thought the latter funny. I would have personally escorted the silly ****er out. Not knocking Kanye, of course, but I think I'd have had real trouble restraining myself from pulling a spaz face at this poor soul.

Can't believe the Spacek gig turnout. In Manc?! WHAT IS GOING ON PEOPLE?



I've had that before with Kanye/Curtis but also got it in reverse - a mother was out with her daughter and wanted me to play Curtis so her uneducated offspring could hear what the real deal is all about. :thumbsup:


Totally fed up of peoples asking for the dreaded bassline house or RnB though - are some people deaf? stupid? I was doin a jazzy house set at The Earl this week and still got some stupid little slapper asking for RnB! At the Earl! Jeez! There are so many places play the sort of music they want to hear, but they always populate the ones that don't!


Another annoying thing at the mo is idiots asking for 'that Crazy tune'. "No, it's a funk night, we only play old stuff"...."but I've got it on my phone"...."Good, **** off and listen to it in the toilets then" :loopy:

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