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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president elect

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...is happening tomorrow. Unless, by some quirk of fate, Mr Trump dies in his sleep, by this time tomorrow he'll be the President of the USA.

I think the man is grossly unsuitable for high office and will lead the US and the world into some desperately dark places

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I wonder if the fact that he is racist, sexually abusive, and self obsessed that he won.

He, like Farage in UK, liked to play the victim card, by being shunned as not being part of the 'Metropolitan Liberal Elite'. Trump, like Farage is a very wealthy man - and like Farage, allies himself with some of the hoi polloi as he capitalises on their basest instincts - the bigotry and hatred. The fact that they have little money and their kids have little prospects do not concern them.

It would be tempting to say people get the politicians they deserve, but plenty of good people didn't vote for Trump; and I'm sure that some who voted for Trump did so because they were frustrated. I suspect they're going to be even more frustrated as he coils back from many of the things he promised to the electorate. Still that won't be his problem - he's rich enough not to have mix with their type. And he can always blame others when things go wrong, or he doesn't get his own way.

Edited by Mister M
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Like it or not Trump won,Obama couldn't do any more terms . Clinton just couldn't get enough votes to get in perhaps been the wife of Bill Clinton went against her been wife to an impeached President might have made American people think twice so went for Trump instead . Some Americans blame the Democrats for the down turn in the economy plus loads of other things. I'm not sure what to make of him he might surprise us or fall down flat on his face !

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...is happening tomorrow. Unless, by some quirk of fate, Mr Trump dies in his sleep, by this time tomorrow he'll be the President of the USA.

I think the man is grossly unsuitable for high office and will lead the US and the world into some desperately dark places

Surely, the future with Trump as president is a golden one!
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...is happening tomorrow. Unless, by some quirk of fate, Mr Trump dies in his sleep, by this time tomorrow he'll be the President of the USA.

I think the man is grossly unsuitable for high office and will lead the US and the world into some desperately dark places

a bit like Bush did with Blair ?
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