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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president elect

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what utter tosh


---------- Post added 04-02-2017 at 23:31 ----------



why? the best year, maybe that is because e you were of a certain age, not the polical climate.

I don't care whatever the Political climate was. The Nation was stable, rich, and a hell of a good place to live. It still is and will be so long after Mr. Trump and I are gone and forgotten.


---------- Post added 05-02-2017 at 23:39 ----------


"trumping" is common usage in the North of England....


And I just presumed everyone knew the meaning of 'trump'?

Something to do with the fine old game of Bridge I believe. Can't see old Donald having the smarts for it.
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Well this is what happens when you dare to go against the so called liberal left ... they wont rest until they've brought you down. It's worse than North Korea, because they pretend to have everyone's best interests at heart.


Typical commies.


who are the liberal left, please ?


Are they the commies ?


'cos last time I checked, the Trumpet quite fancied Putin's manly, rippling chest.

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Well this is what happens when you dare to go against the so called liberal left ... they wont rest until they've brought you down. It's worse than North Korea, because they pretend to have everyone's best interests at heart.


Typical commies.


well here's hoping the liberal left don't bring Trump down.

So far he seems to be doing what he was elected to do. I hope he will stand up to theses demonstrations against him also the Judges.

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"Business man".


That would be the man with four bankruptcies. That would be the man whose businesses have an estimated debt in the region of $650m. That would be the man who has paid out dozens failed lawsuits including class actions for his fraudulent and failed university vanity project. That would be the man who has been proven to have at least other 14 failed business venutures.


Yeah, just the sort of acumen we need to take over the most powerful political office in the world.


His incompetent, bullying and dictatorial behaviour is no longer hidden behind the board room doors. He might like to think that he is the chief of all chiefs who can bark at some employed minion and get them to dance. Unfortunately for Tango Man, he is now in government. He doesn't get what he wants when he wants it anymore.


His lack of diplomacy and decorum has been shown up for the world to see. The man is a laughing stock around the world. Not supported by the majoirty electorate. Not supported by the wider governmental departments. Not supported by his world allies.


The spray tan Kim Jong-un wannabe is a deluded dictator and the rest of the world will not rest until he is out of his office. His reactionary and knee jerk style on his first major order has been a disaster. He then proceeds to insult those departments, politicians and judges who are upholding the very consitutional laws that President Drumpf pledged allegence to less than 3 weeks ago.


The worst thing for "The Donald" is that the only thing that kept him in a position of wealth and power was his business empire. That is falling all around him so even his legacy will be severely dented once he is (inevitably) impeached or erradicated. Whichever will come first.


59% drop in bookings at his hotels. Residents demanding the trump name be removed from their buildings. Insulting entire nations on a daily basis. Daughter suffering business losses and multiple cancelled buyers. Increasing suspicion of his links, contacts and finances = Toxic profile.


Tick tock tick tock...


I would check what you post.



C & P



Trump doesn’t deny that four of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy. He argues, however, that filing for bankruptcy is a common business decision, and he was smart to make the moves when he did.


"Hundreds of companies" have filed for bankruptcy, Trump said earlier in the debate. "I used the law four times and made a tremendous thing. I'm in business. I did a very good job."



one of many




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The main issue with Trump is how he tries to play things. If he had said, we are going to put a halt on all non-pre-approved or visa entries to the US for 90 days from these countries because they do not have adequate ability to check ID of passengers (although there are no direct flights from any of them so I assume their ID would get checked at a transit airport? Regardless) and then given a statement of what would get the ban lifted for each individual country then there would be a lot less to argue about. Instead Trump tries once again to play the showman about how he's so hardline on terrorism blah blah blah and now he looks like a tool. Again.


Hopefully he won't learn because at the moment he really annoying pretty much everyone who isn't a little bit crazy.


---------- Post added 06-02-2017 at 10:21 ----------


I would check what you post.



C & P



Trump doesn’t deny that four of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy. He argues, however, that filing for bankruptcy is a common business decision, and he was smart to make the moves when he did.


"Hundreds of companies" have filed for bankruptcy, Trump said earlier in the debate. "I used the law four times and made a tremendous thing. I'm in business. I did a very good job."



one of many





So you think he's a good businessman because he said he used bankruptcy laws? Does that honestly make sense to you? I can't be bothered to post the link again but an independent financial review of Trump's businesses was carried out and it was found that if he had sold his companies when he inherited them and put the money in a bank account he'd be richer than what he is now. That is NOT a good businessman by anyone's reckoning.


Also note how you ignore the rest of ECCOnoobs post, presumably because you don't have an adequately glib soundbite from Trump to answer it?


---------- Post added 06-02-2017 at 10:26 ----------


well here's hoping the liberal left don't bring Trump down.

So far he seems to be doing what he was elected to do. I hope he will stand up to theses demonstrations against him also the Judges.


Erm what? You do understand that the law is the absolute top of any democratic country don't you? You must understand how important that is otherwise a president or prime minister could literally get away with murder...it appears to be fairly equivocal that the 'ban' he tried to put in place clashes with American law, so to put it through he must get this law changed first. Almost an identical situation to our at the moment with Brexit. You cannot just make it up as you go along and Trump is finding that out to his cost. He has a majority in the Senate and Congress so if he simply pushed a bill through he would have almost certainly got it approved with minimal hassle, but that's not his way is it? He wants everything to be on his terms and balls to the law. This was solely about Trump being on the top of the new rather than anything to do with security.

Edited by sgtkate
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I can't be bothered to post the link again but an independent financial review of Trump's businesses was carried out and it was found that if he had sold his companies when he inherited them and put the money in a bank account he'd be richer than what he is now. That is NOT a good businessman by anyone's reckoning.
Far from me the intent of defending The Donald with this comment, but...the fact of the matter is that the above oft-quoted tidbit is grounded 110% in hindsight. The telltale is in bold and underlined ;)


Business men rarely have anymore powers of divination than Joe Average. The difference between a 'businessman' and Joe Average, is that a 'businessman' has a go. For the rest (and how having a go eventually pans out), business stats will tell you all you need to know about the average success-to-failure ratio, so much here as in the US and elsewhere. Suffice to say, success is the exception rather than the rule.


So I do wish that line of argumentation was dropped - unless there is evidence that Trump's serial failure was solely (or, well, at least very substantially) attributable to Trump's serial bad business decisions.

Edited by L00b
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