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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president elect

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Guest makapaka

Put the news on about South Sudan now - shame people aren't as vocal about that.


Now that is something to think about.


Might seem off topic but it's not - there are far bigger issues in the world than hyperbole over a president that will most likely be a damp squib and out of office in a few years.

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Do you really think it's fair that his opponent got more votes and he won?


I suppose you wouldn't mind if your team scored three goals and the other team scored two and won the cup...


stop whining about that.


One thing you can't criticise Trump for is the sheer brilliance of his election win. He got votes in just exactly the right places to ensure that he won the election and Clinton would have killed to have won the election so beautifully. Notice how she has not been whining about her being the 'legitimate' president because she happened to get people to vote for her in New York, who's votes she didn't need, but couldn't manage to get people to vote for her in Michigan or Wisconsin, who's votes she needed so badly but didn't realise it. She knows she got licked fair and square.

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Edited to add - if you want to start a thread complaining about how unfair it is that UKIP are rubbish, start one - this is about the self obsessed malignant narcissist in the White House. Fawn over Nigel's losers elsewhere.


Well that makes you a hypocrite. You complain about the principles only when the results of them disagree with your opinion.

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He was elected fair and square by the American electorate. as laid down by American law.


Yep he was, but that wasn't the question harvey19 asked, so now you are changing the question to get the answer you want. So, so predictable.


---------- Post added 08-02-2017 at 09:26 ----------


Do you think its fair UKIP got over 4 million votes in the last general election ,but only have 1 MP ?


I dont see you complaining about that ,


Actually I have been. I fully support PR and that would have given UKIP a proportional number of MPs and rightly so. If a legal political party gets support from the public then they clearly deserve the right to represent them regardless of whether I disagree with them or not. It's the opponents job to offer a different choice so they aren't voted in rather than try to silence them.


The only caveat I would put to this is we are living in times when all of us are incredibly easy to manipulate through spin. If we can find a way to PROVE that the manipulation strayed in lies and those lies supported the vote then those votes should be annulled and a vote rerun done. How you even begin to prove that though means it's a non-starter.


---------- Post added 08-02-2017 at 09:27 ----------


Ref your first paragraph.

I am aware of the votes gained but find it pathetic for this statement to be kept being repeated as if President Trump did not deserve to win the election when he underwent the same system as others before him.

It is time to move on and stop dragging up incidents from before the election to cause outrage.

I speak in general terms and do not aim these statements at you, Sgt Kate.


I just answered your question. If you don't like the answer then that's your problem not mine.

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stop whining about that.


One thing you can't criticise Trump for is the sheer brilliance of his election win. He got votes in just exactly the right places to ensure that he won the election and Clinton would have killed to have won the election so beautifully. Notice how she has not been whining about her being the 'legitimate' president because she happened to get people to vote for her in New York, who's votes she didn't need, but couldn't manage to get people to vote for her in Michigan or Wisconsin, who's votes she needed so badly but didn't realise it. She knows she got licked fair and square.


The methods he used to get these votes were based on getting large crowds to loudly express their dissatisfactions, while he promised them he would give them everything they wanted.

Trump is like a used car salesperson promising everything, but as soon as you bought it and get of the court the exhaust falls off, then the pistons blow, a tire starts leaking and when you try to stop it the brakes are not working.

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The methods he used to get these votes were based on getting large crowds to loudly express their dissatisfactions, while he promised them he would give them everything they wanted. <...>.


Trump used populist methods, just like UKIP here for years and Leave and Remain last year, and so many other populists since the global crisis of 2008.


Nothing wrong with populism, if you can deliver once you get the ballot result. The last time I recall it actually working (and it wasn't for very long at all), was in France with the left-populist Popular Front led by Blum, who brought in e.g. paid holidays and the foundations of social security in the country.


Nothing wrong with populism either, if you don't have to make a play to suppress due process and constitutional independence of separated powers, for that delivery (like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte <and others> have all done, and like Trump already had a stab at it).


If you can't deliver though...that's when the problems start. As Trump is now already finding out: his typically populist "simple solutions" to what are very complex problems, are gradually being shown for the snake oil they are, and will continue to be shown so.


The exact same will eventually happen with the Brexit/Leave crowd, but it will take much longer as UK politicians are far more adept at snake oil selling than Trump.


Schadenfreude? You betcha, by the bucket load! :twisted:

Edited by L00b
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Why? Do you think women should shut up and do what they're told?

Do you think all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are terrorists?

Do you despise intellectuals?

Do you think white people are somehow better than everyone else?

Do you think stupidity is a virtue?



Do you think Trump is any different to some politicians when it comes to women? I do not think President Clinton was innocent, remember the Lewinsky scandal, in the White House, Oval Office? I would say he was a liar to, don't tell me Lewinsky was the first.

I do not think all Muslims are terrorists or white people are someone better but I do not agree with mass immigration and the problems it can cause if unchecked.

Trump did win the election and he made his policies very clear and don't go blaming the American voting system because ours is no better.

Someone pointed out on the forum he has to abide by the US Constitution and get his policy's passed.

Oh and do I despise intellectuals? No but I am jealous of them.

Edited by nikki-red
fixed the quote
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Loob, the voters were ignorant blind people and simply smiled from ear to ear when trumpy falsely told them they were going to get a free wall paid by mexico.


Populist methods are made for getting large unhappy crowds together. There is nothing wrong with being unhappy and joining a crowd but this system only works with dumb unintelligent crowds who live like robots.


Look at them, there is not one single intelligent creative individual with a spark in the trumpi team. They all have long faces, they lie, make things up and start crying when reality shows the real figures.


A political system that speaks to individuals and has the courage to say it will be difficult but we try is much better than some bozo's screaming and yelling stupid slogans at the opposition.

Edited by dutch
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Loob, the voters were ignorant blind people and simply smiled from ear to ear when trumpy told them they were going to get a free wall paid by mexico.


Populist methods are made for getting large unhappy crowds together. There is nothing wrong with being unhappy and joining a crowd but this system only works with dumb unintelligent crowds who live like robots.


Look at them, there is not one single intelligent creative individual with a spark in the trumpi team. They all have long faces, they lie, make things up and start crying when reality shows the real figures.


A political system that speaks to individuals and has the courage to say it will be difficult but we try is much better than some bozo's screaming and yelling stupid slogans at the opposition.


Yes, but ultimately all of us want someone to come along and fix our issues. People like Trump come along and offer that quick fix and you only have to vote for him. It's utterly pathetic that people fall for it, but they do, by enough to get these people voted in. Perhaps if the left-wing parties started to promise snake oil we'd see more progress but they seem hellbent on being almost honest.

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