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Racist, sexually abusive, self obsessed president elect

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And here in lies the problem with your argument. The arrogance of it. Half of America voted for it. Are they all utterly pathetic?


I wouldn't have voted for him but for people to suggest that number of people have been conned is daft.


Deal with the issues not the hyperbole.


But they have been conned. Not just by Trump but by the media over a number a years. We have all been conned, I'm no less affected by the media manipulation than you are, I am just aware of how easy we are to be led so I question things, even things I believe to be true.


And I didn't say that everyone who voted for Trump did so because they've been conned. Many voted for him because they will actually be better off, anyone with lots of money already that is.


Trump will NOT make the average working man better off in anyway. He will not raise wages above an expected average, he will not make peoples money go further, he will not improve their education, he will not improve their healthcare, he will not improve death rates caused by terrorists, he will not improve death rates caused by Americans with guns (both inside and outside of America) so exactly what were they voting for except propaganda and lies? So as I said, it's pathetic looking for a messiah to come and make things wonderful for you when the only person who can do that is you. But that's effort and we can't be doing with that can we?


The big problem that I see is that everyone votes for themselves in a selfish manner. What's wrong with that you say? Well, our circumstances change quite massively throughout our lives, so what seems like a brilliant set of policies now might seem awful if you were to lose your job. The way I try to vote, is to vote for the majority as almost by default I'll probably come out of it ok no matter how my circumstances change. You vote selfishly then chances are you'll end up screwed.


I *should* vote Tory. I'm better of financially under a Tory government in general. I have private healthcare which includes a private GP (who I never use) so shouldn't really care about the NHS. I have a ridiculously good pension scheme etc. Yet the Tories are only good for me while I have this job and lifestyle. The moment something happened to me and I lost my job or became unwell all those perks would disappear down the drain. If I'd supported the Tories in my 'good times' then there would be less to support me through the 'bad'.


So, yes perhaps pathetic was unfair, deluded is a better phrase. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best? I.e. vote for the party you believe will take the best care of you when everything has fallen apart and for me that isn't the Tories. It may be for you, and for some Americans they may honestly believe it's Trump, but then we've done full circle back to my propaganda point.

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You will find that he has performed the same way several times.

He seems to think that it is a way to illustrate someone struggling for an answer.


I was thinking the same but for the life of me I can't find an instance where he's done that, maybe I didn't look well enough..

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You hear worse down the boozer every day of the week. Do you stay away from the ale house because you may hear some controversial opinions . ?


No I don't as it happens. You must drink at some really awful boozers full of misogynistic old gits.

Do you have daughters? Do they know you idolise a sex offender?


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 16:36 ----------



As much as I dislike the man, you are mistaken.


You will find that he has performed the same way several times.

He seems to think that it is a way to illustrate someone struggling for an answer.


Unless you can find evidence of him performing the same gesture in the manner you describe, I remain absolutely convinced his intention was to mock.

Edited by Halibut
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Unless you can find evidence of him performing the same gesture in the manner you describe, I remain absolutely convinced his intention was to mock.


I have seen the evidence, but it is not my purpose in life to rid you of your convictions.


The man is a buffoon, but you continue to devalue your posts by choosing to believe what is thrust in front of you.

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No I don't as it happens. You must drink at some really awful boozers full of misogynistic old gits.

Do you have daughters? Do they know you idolise a sex offender?


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 16:36 ----------



Unless you can find evidence of him performing the same gesture in the manner you describe, I remain absolutely convinced his intention was to mock.


Here you go,

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No I don't as it happens. You must drink at some really awful boozers full of misogynistic old gits.

Do you have daughters? Do they know you idolise a sex offender?


---------- Post added 09-02-2017 at 16:36 ----------



Unless you can find evidence of him performing the same gesture in the manner you describe, I remain absolutely convinced his intention was to mock.


Has Mr Trump been charged or convicted of any sexual offences ? You cannot call someone a sex offender just because they have made some comments YOU dont like.

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But would give grounds for impeachment? <clutching at straws> I'd reckon the republicans want shot of him as much as the democrats and would support an impeachment vote so they can get a more malleable but equally conservative candidate in to toe the party line, Mike Pence.


I think I'd rather have the world go to hell in a handcart with Trump at the helm than Pence. At least with Trump you are guaranteed a bloody good laugh before we all die in nuclear inferno.

How many Pence is he worth? One thin dime probably.
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Here you go,

WOW...what a strange way to act, i stand corrected that he has done this before, and his reaction may not have been directed at the person he was talking about ...but wow, why would you even act like that..i still find it disgusting that he would act in such a way as to mimic someone disabled and imply that they are stupid....i honestly cant get my head round it

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