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Is nationalism wrong?

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The wrong people are using nationalism for their own ends, if our mainstream politicians were a little more nationalistic, they might perform better.


Look after your own first, isn't that a good principle?


not really, we're ALL human beings, nobodys better than anybody else, we are all born somewhere by an accident of birth.

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It all depends on what your definition of 'your own' is.

That can range from your family, neighbours, workmates, through to your fellow countrymen.


Not all have the same hopes and aspirations.


The aristocracy, (for example), in one country have far more in common with the aristocracy in another country, than they do with the working classes in their own country; and vice-versa.


So, in short nationalism is not a good thing. It is just another tool to keep the ruling class at the top of their individual tree.


Trump's exhortation toward isolationism is far more about controlling the people of the USA, than enriching them.

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The wrong people are using nationalism for their own ends, if our mainstream politicians were a little more nationalistic, they might perform better.


Look after your own first, isn't that a good principle?


Yes and no. I'm quite sure during war time it's a useful tool to rally the country. After that, it's a useful tool to blame foreigners for our ills. It's near relation, patriotism is another great thing but often used by arseholes (GW bush) to winkle out those who don't agree with their policies.

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Look after your own first, isn't that a good principle?


It is an excellent idea.


And all those tax-dodgers who claim to be both English and Proud can display their proud nationalism by paying all the taxes they are supposed to.

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It is an excellent idea.


And all those tax-dodgers who claim to be both English and Proud can display their proud nationalism by paying all the taxes they are supposed to.

dont worry once brexit happens they will......oh no wait, we'll turn into a tax haven and there will be even more Oo

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Of course it's wrong. It's dividing people up into 'us and them', and sewing hatred of the 'other'.



We are all different, why do you hate others?


Should we hate the rich, they pay more taxes, and the poor do the jobs that others would not be seen dead doing.


Yes and no. I'm quite sure during war time it's a useful tool to rally the country. After that, it's a useful tool to blame foreigners for our ills.


We are not blaming anyone, just making sure the ones that were here first get priority.


---------- Post added 21-01-2017 at 11:08 ----------


When allocating social housing, a local link is part of the qualifying criteria. Is this discrimination against foreigners?

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Hatred from who? The only hatred i see is from Remoaners.




I guess you've conveniently forgotten the brutal murder of Jo Cox MP by an angry, hate-filled little man.


Now please go troll elsewhere, there's a good girl :)

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