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Blocked ears - hardened wax - home cure

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So how am I supposed to put the olive oil in my ear without a cotton bud?


Yes Mac33 what I do is lay on my side use the pipette and stay for about 5 mins then repeat for the other ear for another 5. Remember to have some tissues handy for when you move. Then either have a shower or bath making sure you don't get too much soap in your ears but plenty of water and keep repeating. If there is any hardened wax it should slowly soften it and work it's way out slowly.

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There is a trend away from syringing the ears and instead removing waxy deposits using an otoscope and what is effectively a very small vacuum cleaner as a much safer way of removing the wax without running the risk of perforating the ear drum.


However, if you can soften the wax with olive oil (an ear plug of cotton wool will keep the oil in when you first squidge it down there- the longer you can keep it down in the ear the better) over the course of a couple of weeks, the easier it will be to remove in whatever manner it is being removed, and it may even find its own way out of your ear when you go swimming or when you dry your ears after bathing.

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Yes Mac33 what I do is lay on my side use the pipette and stay for about 5 mins then repeat for the other ear for another 5. Remember to have some tissues handy for when you move. Then either have a shower or bath making sure you don't get too much soap in your ears but plenty of water and keep repeating. If there is any hardened wax it should slowly soften it and work it's way out slowly.


I started writing a post and then saw yours :) I use a pipette too, much easier and controlled.


Doctors will tell you to do this twice a day for 2 weeks before booking you in for an appt.


And no, they don't actually use a syringe full of water any more.

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I've found otex ear drops work best. If I feel my ears getting a bit waxy and blocked using otex sorts it. If the wax is very bad they might have to be syringed. I used to have to have mine done every few years but since using otex before they get too bad I haven't had them syringed for along time now.

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Appreciate all the replies.


Yesterday when I went windsurfing I ended up under the water a few times.


The water got stuck in there and I could not enjoy my sailing as I was nearly completely deaf.


Will try the warm olive oil 3 times a day for a week and see if it improves.


Are there examples of a person suffering from injury after having their ear syringed?


I've had mine done three times before.

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Are there examples of a person suffering from injury after having their ear syringed? .


I had my eardrum perforated in 1995 by the over zealous use of a hand syringe leaving me with permanent tinnitus as water entered the ear. This was at the doctors, he attempted it on the first visit without asking me to book a later appointment so I could soften it with olive oil.


The electric syringes are much safer.

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Are there examples of a person suffering from injury after having their ear syringed?


I had my ears syringed in 1996 and tore a calf muscle playing football in 2000. I'd guess having your ears syringed doesn't make having an accident any more or less likely.

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