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Finished last night. Great show with really excellent acting and a really good gripping plot. Thought provoking. The court scenes were brilliant in the final episode.


Yes the court scenes were good but I had to put the sub titles on after that,couldnt tell a word Emily Watson or Ben Chaplin said.These two have completely ruined the program,the bloke who played her husband also had a spud in his mouth.

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Finished last night. Great show with really excellent acting and a really good gripping plot. Thought provoking. The court scenes were brilliant in the final episode.


I though it was brilliant, particularly the court scenes and very good acting.

Could watch it again.

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Yes the court scenes were good but I had to put the sub titles on after that,couldnt tell a word Emily Watson or Ben Chaplin said.These two have completely ruined the program,the bloke who played her husband also had a spud in his mouth.


It's a perennial problem, why can't producers, editors etc tell people to speak clearly?


OK I know that in real life people mumble but in real life you are allowed to say "what?" or "pardon" etc...you don't get that luxury when watching TV

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Yes the court scenes were good but I had to put the sub titles on after that,couldnt tell a word Emily Watson or Ben Chaplin said.These two have completely ruined the program,the bloke who played her husband also had a spud in his mouth.

No I couldn't tell a word the husband said either

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Court scene was a joke. The foreman of the jury promptly read out the not guilty verdicts for murder.


Then when it came to manslaughter, paused in an X Factor style for dramatic effect. No court would allow this and no foreman would do this.



No I couldn't tell a word the husband said either


He played the Mr McKay character in the remake of Porridge. His words were clear there, so its a production or direction issue.

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What the hell happened in the last scene? And where was this supposed "twist"


Despite rewinding a number of times I still can't understand any of the dialogue in the last 10 minutes.


Someone just please tell me what twist I've missed after 4 hours of absolute drivel

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Someone just please tell me what twist I've missed after 4 hours of absolute drivel


I think it was that she was really scheming and conniving, and convinced her lover to kill, but I'm also not certain.


In a chilling twist, Yvonne went to visit Mark behind bars, where he revealed that he never told his lawyers, or anyone else, what she said to him in his secret flat – namely the "safe house".


In her anger, a flashback revealed that Yvonne asked Mark in bed: "I want you to kill him. I want you to smash his f**king face in." It then comes back in the present time and Yvonne remembers what she had said, but looks into her past lover's eyes and says: "People can say anything. You really can't tell the difference, can you?"


Viewers were aghast at the finale's twist, but though Yvonne had indeed told Mark to kill the man who raped her, her words were said in anger. Due to Mark's personality disorder, he presumed she was being completely serious.





More BBC drama mumbling:



Edited by alchresearch
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