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What if we had an Justice system based on guilty until proven innocent

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The present Justice system works on the bases of innocent until proven guilty after an trail based on facts of the case. The charged are given the chance to plea guilty or not guilty.


Now what if we had an system based on instead guilty until proven innocent?


Are their any counties using this system ( dictatorships are likely to flavour this system ) what would the pros and cons be and how could appeals work in such an system?

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Someone would obviously have to be charged with a crime, in the normal way.


Have you no common sense ?


The idea is completely lacking in common sense. :huh:


But lets say that I accuse crookedspire of assaulting me, I make up a good story so the police charge him. He's now guilty and has to prove he isn't somehow... All I need to do is choose a time when he was alone and so has no good alibi and bosh, he's guilty.

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It's a basic principle of rational thought that the burden of proof lies with the claimant. It's not a matter of benefit of the doubt and it's not a left/right or liberal/ conservative matter. This is just the only rational way to go about things.

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The idea is completely lacking in common sense. :huh:


But lets say that I accuse crookedspire of assaulting me, I make up a good story so the police charge him. He's now guilty and has to prove he isn't somehow... All I need to do is choose a time when he was alone and so has no good alibi and bosh, he's guilty.

There would have to be some real evidence to charge him. In fact the criteria for bringing cases could the altered, to make sure the evidence had to be much stronger to charge someone.


I think the current system works fine, but I have an open mind and may be convinced for a change.

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