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Some ones life in a skip .

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I love Skips , you know the big steel containers that appear now and then on a road near you.


Skips have provided me with an allotment hut complete with double glazing and double doors opening out onto a wooden patio.

Also the fencing surrounding that garden as well as a fully functioning stereo record player complete with new needles in a little compartment to the rear.


This week two skips have appeared near on to us and I for the life off me cannot even contemplate rummaging through due to the contents.


As I passed by I was able to see around 7 or 8 fully framed photo's depicting bygone days in the life of who ever once lived in the adjoining abode .

Some of the photo's were in very large frames and had been blown up to around three foot high .


The subject of one of the photo's inc a wedding with bride and groom standing proudly in front of church , he in uniform and her in a nice white gown and holding flowers .


The date seemed to be around the second World war time as the clothes in evidence on bystanders suited this time.


Smaller portraits in evidence showed young children standing in sunny garden and also sat on the sands at some sea side place.


Others show further snaps of young family members in various stages of growing up inc one where the lass was in full cap and gown telling us that she had a degree at university .


Apart from the photo's the skip has the contents of a full wardrobe as well as shoes and various other personal items of clothing .


Then there is the kitchen contents ,knives , folks ,spoons ,pots pans and so on.


The saddest contents are the books that have obviously been loved and read over many years by who ever cherished them and those along with old birthday ,christmas , anniversary cards and correspondence are blowing around in the wind and onto the surrounding grass verge .


So some ones life in a skip and obviously some one who no one any longer cares about by the look of it.


Made me sad and wonder that has.

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I can understand how you felt seeing those sort of items.But as a relative it is not always easy deciding what to do or what is the best way. It may not have even been a relative who cleared the house out.


When my mother died I just walked away from the house and everything in it-I could not deal with it. I passed the job to a close friend and his contact with a van who did it for me. There was no emotional attachment for them. He burnt most of what was in there in the garden I think. They took whatever they wanted.

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So sad to have seen that on two counts. The fact that there is no one around to cherish any of the items and the secondary issue of disposing of useful items into landfill when there are so many people struggling for basic things like crockery and cutlery.

There are of course many possible reasons why the contents of the house ended up in a skip. The children having grown up may live abroad. They may not have survived their parents. They may not be capable for other reasons of sorting out, what is after all the detritus, left behind the long and productive life of the deceased. They may indeed have left instructions that this was what should happen. Sad indeed to see the contents of a house in a skip, but life goes on non the less and I am sure the house will soon be bustling with life again soon. I does make me think about clearing out some of the junk in my own place to make things a little easier for my offspring.

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So sad to have seen that on two counts. The fact that there is no one around to cherish any of the items and the secondary issue of disposing of useful items into landfill when there are so many people struggling for basic things like crockery and cutlery.

There are of course many possible reasons why the contents of the house ended up in a skip. The children having grown up may live abroad. They may not have survived their parents. They may not be capable for other reasons of sorting out, what is after all the detritus, left behind the long and productive life of the deceased. They may indeed have left instructions that this was what should happen. Sad indeed to see the contents of a house in a skip, but life goes on non the less and I am sure the house will soon be bustling with life again soon. I does make me think about clearing out some of the junk in my own place to make things a little easier for my offspring.

That is what we are in the process of doing, but it can be a wrench to let go of your possessions. But, as you say, it is better for us to do it, than leave the heart breaking task to our loved ones.

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The cold truth is that once the grim reaper calls, all that we have accumulated through life (treasured letters, cards, photos etc, as well of any items of monetary value) are of no use to us at all. Unless you have family who want to keep photos or letters, they may as well go in the skip. Life is for the living.

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I want to get all the photos scanned and onto my computer so that they can then go onto memory sticks to be enjoyed without the albums being kept.


That is one of those jobs that starts out as fun, then after an hour or so becomes a chore.

Then you have to put them all in some semblance of order.

it makes it harder if someone has written details on the back of a photo, then you have to transcribe that as well, :)

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Thats sad.......

On a slightly different note, when my dad passed away several years ago, my mum had to get rid of his clothes, she sadly bagged it all up to take to a charity shop in the hope that some of it may help someone else, at the last minute she decided to check the pockets just to make sure there were no valuables or anything of sentimental value in them, she found £700 in one of his pockets...it was his gambling stash, he liked his horses did my dad lol

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I want to get all the photos scanned and onto my computer so that they can then go onto memory sticks to be enjoyed without the albums being kept.


Keep all the photos as well as scanning them, in a few years computers may have changed that much the memory sticks might be unreadable.

At least you will still be able to look at the pictures.

I'm just in the process of getting all my family pictures printed in case anything happens to be digital copies even though they are backed up to more than one device

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