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The Great Wall of Trump.

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Well, at least he seems to get things done! Compared to the snails in this country who take forever on even the smallest issues.


Maybe we could learn from that.


He hasn't actually done anything yet apart from sign some orders. One of them is to abolish their version of the NHS. Maybe you prefer someone destroying heathcare quickly than building it slowly. Or maybe you'd like him to grab your pussy quickly.

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Well, at least he seems to get things done! Compared to the snails in this country who take forever on even the smallest issues.


Maybe we could learn from that.

Well, as the object lesson in this case clearly is "do away with Congress Parliament's sovereignty and the US UK's centennial democratic due process, and let Trump May rule dictatorially by executive order royal prerogative"...


...I take it that you disagree with the Supreme Court's judgement earlier this week, and that you have no problem whatsoever letting May elbow MPs and Lords out and turn the UK into a low wage tax heaven subservient to US interests (you know, life in the UK as it was post-2008 crisis, only orders of magnitude worse with proper cuts this time)?


You just don't ever learn, Anna, do you?


Still falling for the demagogy head over heels :roll:

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Well, at least he seems to get things done! Compared to the snails in this country who take forever on even the smallest issues.


Maybe we could learn from that.


Are you joking? Earlier this week our government was told it needed a vote in Parliament to trigger Brexit. A bill was tabled on Thursday. This just proves that our Government are fully capable of acting swiftly on things. When it suits them...

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According to Sean Spicer, via a 20% tax on Mexico-to-USA imports. Trade deficit of $50bn times 0.2 = $10bn a year and Bob's your uncle (he says).


Though one open question is whether this will be paid for by Mexican exporters reducing their pre-tax prices, or by American consumers paying more for their imported goods. Bit of both perhaps?


Another potential problem is that one of the other stated aims of the import duty is to reduce imports from Mexico, so they presumably expect that $50bn figure to decrease. But I'm sure they've done all their sums and research and everything will be fine.


It will be paid for by the american people who buy mexican goods, good old orange man has managed to get his own people to pay for his folly :)

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Over 40% of illegal Mexican immigrants arrived legally by the air and over stayed on their Visa. How a wall is going to solve this problem is beyond me! Haha!


Cameron ordered a wall to be built in Calais, at least Trump does want the people of America to pay for it ;)

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I have read that tyres imported from China are/were taxed at 40%; so perhaps there is support for tariffs?


---------- Post added 27-01-2017 at 07:01 ----------


Tariffs receive in 1800 = $10.8 million

Tariffs receive in 1900 = $567.2 million

Tariffs receive in 2000 = $2,025,200 million




There are two issues.


Will a physical wall be effective in controlling immigration? Along 2000 miles they will just find ways to tunnel underor fly over. They can ofc still go on hoiday or student visas and just overstay.


Do tariffs work? You can impose traiffs on goods which raise money, but the other country just imposes equivalent tariffs on your goods going to their country.


All you tend to get will be higher prices and less trade. We will see if Trump starts a trade war with China.

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Over 40% of illegal Mexican immigrants arrived legally by the air and over stayed on their Visa. How a wall is going to solve this problem is beyond me! Haha!


Well, it seems that it might reduce almost 60% of illegal Mexican immigrants :)

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Will a physical wall be effective in controlling immigration? Along 2000 miles they will just find ways to tunnel underor fly over. They can ofc still go on hoiday or student visas and just overstay.


There is currently a wall in place, the issue is along parts of the boarder it's not really possible to build a wall, for example mountainous regions.


Building a larger wall isn't going to solve any issues, and attempting to build a big wall where big walls aren't really practical is just stupid.

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