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To drink on a weekend

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Musing redacted..


Since when have you cared about facts? You have summarily ignored every fact or differing opinion presented to you, and replied with a somewhat irrelevant and circumlocutionary train of thought.


I'm really not sure what your raison d'être is.

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Korsakoffs Psychosis? I've observed its effects on here, though would doubt it is confined to an older age group. Clearly, all inclusive!


Ignorance is bliss as Cyclone missed a wonderful opportunity to highlight the effects of a deficiency in Vitamin B1 [ Thiamine.]


But then ignorance has dominated this attempt at debate. Too much reporting of what a mate down the pub says ....... or should that be slurs?


As for medical help; having only ever been in hospital to visit I'm not planning, expecting or seeking any 'help' any time soon. Rather boringly I expect to be one of those who dies of ripe old age. After all, the myriad of diseases associated with alcohol won't be afflicting me.


Toronto Tony [TT] does make a rather amusing typing error of his own. Actually, it's more akin to a freudian slip: 'his typing finger's well .....' It is well. Very well. Effective too and I'm glad TT recognises it, albeit subconsciously.


I accept the compliment.


But I must return to Cyclone and his whirlpool of non-witisisms whilst listing the contents of a middle shelf in Holland and Barretts. The point he makes so forcefully regarding Vitamins, that many things are toxic, ergo poisonous, dependant upon the quantity consumed, is quite correct. Hence, we are discussing alcohol - the poison.


The science proves no benefit. That is, a small quantity of alcohol, as in 'moderate' drinking. However, the clue is found in the word 'alcoholic' where excessive consumption of the alcohol, of toxins, of poison is done on a daily basis. Just like some of us would take our vitamins! Daily, but not morning, noon and night with a snifter in between. That's what alcoholism is: drinking to excess, fast tracking your body to the grave by way of one of many diseases readily available. It's a long list. I invite Cyclone to provide it.


Hence, the evidence from the NHS Choices website. Evidence equating with facts.


Those awkward facts again.


So, having presented yet more facts, there does seem to be an un-ending myriad of them out there, all of which clearly condemn alcohol and do not redeem it. That's why we are encouraged to 'stoptober' a month without alcohol and not 'boozeober' a month with alcohol.


If your best friend still floats at the bottom of a bottle I suggest you choose your friends more carefully.


Finally, I'd like to consider confabulation. It is quite clear that this thread is dominated by such mindful meanderings of memories from down the pub, cracking open a bottle at home, or enjoying 'just the one'.


The leader of Ukip, a man who goes by the surname of 'Nuttall' has just had his moment of conflabulation. So perhaps there are quite a few 'Nuttalls' on here.


It sounds something like that.


Korsakoffs Psychosis ......... try to remember the facts!

Read my post again, I did not type an error I wrote finger(s) giving options of two or more fingers or a single digit. Stop making things up.

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You are nothing other than personal and, as I've clearly stated before, I have no intention of entering into the personal.


How you can attempt to extrapolate my 'views on life' based on an opinion about alcoholism beggars belief.


It seems one view of life you would endorse would be that of the Cyreniacs. Clearly, I am not of that persuasion.


Or would you think I am more Mohist in my thinking. You would be wrong.


Partly I can identify with the Cynics and the teachings of Socrates, parhessia being exhibited here. I can also identify with the notion of self-sufficiency in a philosophcal sense.


Then again Einstein believed that 'highest stage of consciousness as the highest ideal', while for me that too is appealing for the alcohol besotted dullard it is an impossibility.


Darwin allows for the meaning of life for a plant being different from that of a fish. I can empathise here as my meaning of life is certainly different from that of a drinker let alone an alcoholic. The latter being to have a drink. As for myself I choose to have a life. Major difference. One thing that many interpretations of Darwinism agree upon is that part of the meaning of life for any living organism is to pass their DNA on to the next generation.


Clearly quite a challenge for a sexually dysfunctional drinker.


So perhaps you'd like to consider nihilism? A true nihilist believes that there is no such thing as value or knowledge, and there is no point whatsoever to a person’s existence. Friedrich Nietzsche argued that nihilistic beliefs would ultimately lead to the downfall of everything, because people would simply cease to care about anything.


Now I can see some sense in that as it must be a belief [ a way of life, a consequence] of being an alcoholic. But it is not a view I share.


I can see more sense in Tibetan philosophy as it leans towards ending the world's suffering. Such an action would be to rid the world of alcohol and alcoholics. I'm not sure which is the best order. However, I am sure we'd be well on the way to deny them health care.


Now the Epicureans is an interesting view as all you have is what you have here on earth. There is nothing after. Hence, it offers the excuse to have a 'good time', and as so many have said on here, to open another bottle, the extra pint, a glass or two. Clearly, not my cup of tea are the Epicurean Philosophers.


However, one of the most important aspects of the Epicurean meaning of life is the cultivation of friendships, as friendship is one of the most pleasant, secure, safe, and everlasting feelings to which mortal man can aspire.


But as I've stated before, it doesn't apply if your best friend floats in the bottom of a bottle.


The aztec philosophy with its teotl polar opposites and it's belief that life's meaning is to to live in such a manner that future generations may enjoy the same good life that you did, is one I can not ascribe to.


You may be an alcoholic waster but why on earth would you want to pass that on to your children?


So, in not answering the question I leave you with the Humanists view. Which is that there is no meaning to life other than the meaning it has to us. The greatest mystery being what that meaning inside us is.


Clearly, for the alki it is nothing more than to have a drink. Because that brings contentment, happiness. There still remains the legacy that is left for those who come after, which in the case of an alcoholic, is worthless.


You may draw your own conclusion. Oh, I forgot, that's where you started.


I hope you feel enlightened as you can now pick and choose whatever answer best fits your view, give it a label, just like shopping for cheap booze to take down to the park, back home, into the office toilet, wherever and whenever you can't resist that craving to numb life from your ..... life.


But enough of my musing; let's get back to the facts shall we?


You accuse others of being personal, but read over your past posts and you've done nothing but being personal!


Anyway... You talk about facts but this kind of black and white thinking (on this particular subject) absolutely serves no purpose whatsoever. The world is much more complex than to simply offer facts - anyone can do research or spend time trawling through google or the media looking for "research/facts" which incidentally can be manipulated.


Your beliefs behind this are very distorted and very disassociated - reasons we'll probably never know from you... which is your right.


Question 1 (for you). Have you never drunk alcohol? (just answer the question yes or no. I don't need a reason or for you to swerve it, just say yes

or no)


Question 2 (for you) At what point does drinking alcohol become unhealthy or a problem? The first sup, half a pint, a pint or more?


Eating or drinking, more of less of anything causes an imbalance.


I remember in the "older days" parents dunking children's dummies in alcohol (brandy if I remember correctly) to get them off to sleep - I think due to teething problems.


Facts are useful in lots of cases such as discussing physics etc., but there's clearly a link between alcohol, mental health, social problems and people dealing with their problems differently, just like your doing right now.


We don't live in a one glove fits all world.


PS... alcohol doesn't kill people, the behaviour does... just like guns.

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You are nothing other than personal and, as I've clearly stated before, I have no intention of entering into the personal.


Your earlier posts were all personal attacks against anyone who drank at all, despite the evidence that moderate drinking is good for our health. :roll:


---------- Post added 16-02-2017 at 09:01 ----------


Just to revisit your first post on the subject.

There is no social drinking.
This is not a fact, it's an opinion, and a foolish one.

That is the problem. There is drinking to get drunk and drinking without knowing how much is safe as against over indulging and damaging your health.

No, these are just silly opinions.


If such a small amount can impair the ability to drive then why would you want to sit at home with impaired, reduced functions.

This is a question, one with an obvious answer.


I see alcohol consumption as a weakness.

This is an opinion, one based on a subset of twisted facts.

It is rare to see anyone able to literally, have a drink, and stop at that.

Another opinion, and easily disproven as well.

And similar to other drugs it is a pathway to destruction and you take the first step. Sure you may go no further. But some do.

Opinion, and moralising, and demonstrably wrong.


They now occupy the parks of our city armed with cheap cider. Worse they hide from society behind the curtains each evening.

Now an opinion that is almost entirely detached from reality.


I see it as a risk I'm not prepared to take.

A statement, entirely up to you, but not really related to the facts of alcohol use or misuse.


Also, I put my health and fitness above anything else.

Demonstrably not true, since moderate alcohol consumption is good for you. This is just what you want to be true.

We don't expect our athletes to be tee total for nothing.

A statement that is untrue.

We want them to be and perform at their best. Even out of competition the consumption of alcohol will take them away from health and fitness.

Not true.


It's a personal choice but today people are generally overweight and not particularly fit.


Furthermore, health issues are quite common as our hospitals are constantly at bursting point; same as the nation's waist lines.

Generalisation and poor logic.


People are lazy and make excuses.

Opinion, generalisation, generally unhelpful.


I've aged well. I'm fit and healthy.

Opinion, and self congratulatory.

I don't drink. I don't eat junk food. I'm not over weight.

Presumably all true, but I fail to see the relevance of these anecdotes.


I made my life choices.


Some one before me said: Choose life ............... I have.

Implication that anyone choosing different isn't choosing to live, likely to personally offensive to the vast majority who don't share your (odd) opinions.

Ultimately nobody cares if you choose not to drink, go for it, but don't try to make out that it makes you better than someone who drinks moderately, or healthier or fitter.

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I had assumed a 'he' but you are right, I actually don't know. Apologies for assuming your gender owethemnowt. I may think you've been a bit daft on this thread about booze but shouldn't assume peoples gender!


No you shouldn't assume peoples gender... mate :D

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Are you sitting comfortably?


Then I'll continue ..........


5% of all Accident & Emergency attendance and ambulance costs may be alcohol related in England. So when you are allocated a place round the corner on the corridor floor, you now know why. The drunks arrived first and have filled the seats. Or for those of you stuck in traffic and driving on to the curb in order to avoid the oncoming ambulance, you now know why.


Some 489 people died from alcohol poisoning in the UK in 2013-14. That's poisoning again. Strange how it crops up in a factual statement. Alcohol as a poison. Not a toxin in sight! Poison! Well I never .......... and I never will.


Males accounted for approximately two-thirds of the total number of alcohol-related deaths in 2014 in the UK. Not so much bread winners as bottle buyers. This is the new man. The bringer home of booze. The taker out to the pub. No longer the Hunter-Gatherer ..... more the Boozer - Blatherer.


There were 5,687 deaths (19.4 per 100,000 population) in males and 3,010 (9.6 per 100,000) in females. There were fewest alcohol-related deaths among people aged under 35. Rates in 2013 for those aged 15 – 34 were 2.1 per 100,000 for males and 1.1 per 100,000 for females. Good news then as you'll live to the ripe old age of 36; statistically that is. If you were living in the Bronze Age you'd be considered an elder and all of your peers would have died off naturally by then. There's always a bright side!


In 2014, 240 people were killed in drink drive accidents, accounting for 13.5% of all road deaths in Great Britain. In simple terms, which there clearly is a need for, in simple terms, drunken drivers are killing people. These are not ideologically motivated to make a video and then drive a car into innocent victims. There's no ideology on this one. Just a drunk behind the wheel.


Over a quarter of pedestrians killed in road accidents had been drinking. Again, clarity, drunks are getting run over as they stagger inebriated under the wheels of the bus. I feel a song coming on ...... the wheels on the bus go round and round and round ...


For 16 to 24-year olds, 21% of deaths in males and 9% of deaths in females have been attributed to alcohol consumption. 1 in 5 and 1 in 11. That's one player not turning up for the five a side game on Wednesday night. Make that two players not turning up. One from each side. We could hide the truth and call it 4 a side.


53% of all victims of violence said their attacker was affected by alcohol at the time. They didn't use those words of course. Much more succinct, concise, compact, condensed version. It is estimated that there were 704,000 violent alcohol related incidents in 2013/14. That's the same number of Instagram followers that Manny the Bulldog has. He even has developed his own clothing line, none of which comes in blood splatter pattern.


Alcohol misuse is a factor in 30% of suicides each year. As hanging is the most common method it proves being a drunkard waster does not impair the ability to tie a good knot.


Hospital admissions for young people under 18 in the 3 year period 2011/12-2013/14 were 13,725. There were more admissions for girls than boys. It explains why on those TV cop shows we see so many 'ladies' enjoying their Saturday night out as they lay flat out in the High Street having collapsed following a drunken, obscene rant cum assault either trying to get their other half out of the Police Van or fighting because 'she looked at me.' Delightful.


There were 333,000 estimated admissions where an alcohol-related disease, injury or condition was the primary diagnosis or there was an alcohol-related external cause in England in 2014/15. Best avoid trying to start up any converstaion in A&E as you'll be sitting next to a drunk who wants to fight. Try and get a seat next to the drunk who at least has fallen asleep. Unsure how to recognise one? Look for the vomit stained clothing. At least they all like carrots.


4% of 16 to 24 year-old men drink more than 50 units a week and 4% of women aged 16 to 24 drink more than 35 units a week putting themselves at risk of alcohol dependency, mental and behavioural problems and long term health risks such as liver disease. Can they ever be sober? These people are waking up drunk, driving drunk, working drunk and going home to get drunk.


5% of men and 3% of women are estimated to be higher risk drinkers in England (adults aged 16 to 74.) Higher risk drinkers, such a wonderful euphemism, I wonder how else we could describe them??? For every full double decker there's 4 of them sitting there!


Good advice for where to sit on the bus: any woman with a blue rinse is a safe bet or the guy with the zimmer.


Facts .......... I can see clearly now the facts have come ...... sing a long now.

Edited by Owethemnowt
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Are you sitting comfortably?


Then I'll continue ..........


5% of all Accident & Emergency attendance and ambulance costs may be alcohol related in England. So when you are allocated a place round the corner on the corridor floor, you now know why. The drunks arrived first and have filled the seats. Or for those of you stuck in traffic and driving on to the curb in order to avoid the oncoming ambulance, you now know why.


Some 489 people died from alcohol poisoning in the UK in 2013-14. That's poisoning again. Strange how it crops up in a factual statement. Alcohol as a poison. Not a toxin in sight! Poison! Well I never .......... and I never will.


Males accounted for approximately two-thirds of the total number of alcohol-related deaths in 2014 in the UK. Not so much bread winners as bottle buyers. This is the new man. The bringer home of booze. The taker out to the pub. No longer the Hunter-Gatherer ..... more the Boozer - Blatherer.


There were 5,687 deaths (19.4 per 100,000 population) in males and 3,010 (9.6 per 100,000) in females. There were fewest alcohol-related deaths among people aged under 35. Rates in 2013 for those aged 15 – 34 were 2.1 per 100,000 for males and 1.1 per 100,000 for females. Good news then as you'll live to the ripe old age of 36; statistically that is. If you were living in the Bronze Age you'd be considered an elder and all of your peers would have died off naturally by then. There's always a bright side!


In 2014, 240 people were killed in drink drive accidents, accounting for 13.5% of all road deaths in Great Britain. In simple terms, which there clearly is a need for, in simple terms, drunken drivers are killing people. These are not ideologically motivated to make a video and then drive a car into innocent victims. There's no ideology on this one. Just a drunk behind the wheel.


Over a quarter of pedestrians killed in road accidents had been drinking. Again, clarity, drunks are getting run over as they stagger inebriated under the wheels of the bus. I feel a song coming on ...... the wheels on the bus go round and round and round ...


For 16 to 24-year olds, 21% of deaths in males and 9% of deaths in females have been attributed to alcohol consumption. 1 in 5 and 1 in 11. That's one player not turning up for the five a side game on Wednesday night. Make that two players not turning up. One from each side. We could hide the truth and call it 4 a side.


53% of all victims of violence said their attacker was affected by alcohol at the time. They didn't use those words of course. Much more succinct, concise, compact, condensed version. It is estimated that there were 704,000 violent alcohol related incidents in 2013/14. That's the same number of Instagram followers that Manny the Bulldog has. He even has developed his own clothing line, none of which comes in blood splatter pattern.


Alcohol misuse is a factor in 30% of suicides each year. As hanging is the most common method it proves being a drunkard waster does not impair the ability to tie a good knot.


Hospital admissions for young people under 18 in the 3 year period 2011/12-2013/14 were 13,725. There were more admissions for girls than boys. It explains why on those TV cop shows we see so many 'ladies' enjoying their Saturday night out as they lay flat out in the High Street having collapsed following a drunken, obscene rant cum assault either trying to get their other half out of the Police Van or fighting because 'she looked at me.' Delightful.


There were 333,000 estimated admissions where an alcohol-related disease, injury or condition was the primary diagnosis or there was an alcohol-related external cause in England in 2014/15. Best avoid trying to start up any converstaion in A&E as you'll be sitting next to a drunk who wants to fight. Try and get a seat next to the drunk who at least has fallen asleep. Unsure how to recognise one? Look for the vomit stained clothing. At least they all like carrots.


4% of 16 to 24 year-old men drink more than 50 units a week and 4% of women aged 16 to 24 drink more than 35 units a week putting themselves at risk of alcohol dependency, mental and behavioural problems and long term health risks such as liver disease. Can they ever be sober? These people are waking up drunk, driving drunk, working drunk and going home to get drunk.


5% of men and 3% of women are estimated to be higher risk drinkers in England (adults aged 16 to 74.) Higher risk drinkers, such a wonderful euphemism, I wonder how else we could describe them??? For every full double decker there's 4 of them sitting there!


Good advice for where to sit on the bus: any woman with a blue rinse is a safe bet or the guy with the zimmer.


Facts .......... I can see clearly now the facts have come ...... sing a long now.

A big big fact for you matey.


You WILL DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don`t know what age but you will.


Its a well known FACT.


Everybody born will meet their maker.


Old saying but since you like your facts I thought I`d give it to you.


The only bit in between is whether you want do things you like or not to do things you don`t like.


But what YOU do does not bother most people in the slightest so why don`t you sod off.


You bore


---------- Post added 16-02-2017 at 21:16 ----------


Just to add that I am not an alcoholic but do like a tipple fri/sat

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