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To drink on a weekend

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How do i put a complaint in to the admin about this insulting person?

They are beyond abusive in many respects which cannot be accepted.

Does anyone know please?


It is also possible to add them to your 'ignore' list, which means that you will no longer see their posts (although you can see them if they are quoted by somebody else).

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In this post I offer an opinion. Where I had listed two specific facts I have now removed them at the moderator's request.


I am happy to do this and comply.


Here is my revised argument without any factual evidence to support my views. I still think that having complied with the request by alsionmaniac moderator I hope you enjoy this post and can discuss some of the points I raise.


One respondent referred to the value of tax revenues from alcohol sales but I would question the moral attitude of the alcohol industry.


I’m not alone as questions have been asked in parliament with one MP who has attacked a report predicted to conclude the alcohol industry is not doing enough to foster a culture of responsible drinking.


Such a view has been expressed after leaks suggested the parliamentary inquiry would find the industry had broken pledges to act and should face tougher regulation unless it changed tack.


It may not be true to say the industry is not working hard to bring about more responsible drinking as the amount of time and effort put in by brewers to make the Responsibility Deal (agreed between the Government and food and drinks industry) deliver the kind of changes the Government wants to see. The Responsibility Deal can be googled but quite simply it is what it says: a desire to have the alcohol industry act responsibly, which it does. No one is forced to drink and as we all have personal freedoms of choice, it is the individual who must ultimately act responsibily.


However, a clear concern is that the issue lies with problem drinks rather than the industry as a whole and more work needs to be done on the issue of vodka and slammer-type drinks, which are more popular with young people.


MPs have rejected what reports suggest is likely to be among the key findings of the Commons health select committee inquiry into the Government’s strategy on alcohol.


However, there has been a wholeheartedly endorsement for another of the group’s forecast recommendations — backing for a minimum statutory price limit for alcohol, I would guess, of between 40p and 50p a unit.


When you can buy strong cider cheaper than water we have a problem with the pricing mechanism used by supermarkets. Nobody wants to hit the occasional drinker, but such discounted prices send the wrong message and encourage young people to drink more and more.


The brewers ploughed vast amounts of money into developing and marketing a brand, only for supermarkets to drive down the prices and sell it at huge discounts in order to get people in. The Responsibility Deal aims to persuade the food and drink industry to make voluntary changes instead of being forced to change their behaviour.


It is expected to see changes made by the food industry while highlighting ‘limited’ action by drinks firms.


This limited action results in the massive costs that society has to bear. We are all too aware of these whenever we visit the A&E or watch any documantary programme where hospitals are struggling to function normally.


The erroneous tax benefits of alcohol, which have been posted previously in an attempt to justify the terrible damage done by alcohol across our society, do not come any where near to meeting this cost.


The negative effects of alcohol abuse damage our NHS, but this in financial terms, I would estimate, is only a fraction of the whole negative effect nationally.


We see the ambulances, we are subject to the violence outburst and abuse but we may not be witnessing the lost days in production due to workers being unable to make it into work.


Clearly, the problem, at a cost annually of billions cannot be ignored, excused or tolerated any longer.


I hope this stimulates serious discussion despite it not being possible to post facts because the links, I am told, do not work. I am aware other posters have had similar problems and have been informed of such throughout SF.


Please feel free to contribute.

Edited by Owethemnowt
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In this post I offer an opinion. Where I have listed two specific facts I give the links [http://www. Etc ] to where the extracted facts can be found. The Responsibilitiy Deal now has a link.


Having complied with the request by alsionmaniac moderator I hope you enjoy this post and can discuss some of the points I raise.


One respondent referred to the value of tax revenues from alcohol sales but I would question the moral attitude of the alcohol industry.


I’m not alone as questions have been asked in parliament with one MP who has attacked a report predicted to conclude the alcohol industry is not doing enough to foster a culture of responsible drinking.


Such a view has been expressed after leaks suggested the parliamentary inquiry would find the industry had broken pledges to act and should face tougher regulation unless it changed tack.


It may not be true to say the industry is not working hard to bring about more responsible drinking as the amount of time and effort put in by brewers to make the Responsibility Deal (agreed between the Government and food and drinks industry) deliver the kind of changes the Government wants to see.


However, a clear concern is that the issue lies with problem drinks rather than the industry as a whole and more work needs to be done on the issue of vodka and slammer-type drinks, which are more popular with young people.


MPs have rejected what reports suggest is likely to be among the key findings of the Commons health select committee inquiry into the Government’s strategy on alcohol.


However, there has been a wholeheartedly endorsement for another of the group’s forecast recommendations — backing for a minimum statutory price limit for alcohol, I would guess, of between 40p and 50p a unit.


When you can buy strong cider cheaper than water we have a problem with the pricing mechanism used by supermarkets. Nobody wants to hit the occasional drinker, but such discounted prices send the wrong message and encourage young people to drink more and more.


The brewers ploughed vast amounts of money into developing and marketing a brand, only for supermarkets to drive down the prices and sell it at huge discounts in order to get people in. Ministers introduced the Responsibility Deal [http://www.igd.com/.../4931/The-Public-Health-Responsibility-Deal] in a bid to persuade the food and drink industry to make voluntary changes instead of being forced to change their behaviour.

The committee is expected to acknowledge changes made by the food industry while highlighting ‘limited’ action by drinks firms.


Evidence heard by the MPs [ reference:https://hansard.parliament.uk]showed alcohol kills almost 15,000 people in Britain each year and costs the UK economy more than £21 billion, including £3.5 billion to the NHS [http://www.nhs.uk/pages/home.aspx]

Those figures far out- weigh the erroneous tax benefits of alcohol, which have been posted previously in an attempt to justify the terrible damage done by alcohol across our society.


The negative effects of alcohol abuse damage our NHS but this in financial terms, I would estimate, is around 15 per cent of the whole negative effect.


We see the ambulances, we are subject to the violence outburst and abuse but we may not be witnessing the lost days in production due to workers being unable to make it into work.


Clearly, the problem, at a cost annually of £21 billion cannot be ignored, excused or tolerated any longer. By multiplying the NHS cost I estimate the total. It is not a fact, but an estimation on my part. The only fact referred to has been referenced within the NHS site.


I hope this stimulates serious discussion.


Ban this trouble causing person please.

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I hope this stimulates serious discussion.


Serious discussion? You're joking right? You haven't discussed this with anyone on this thread, nor made any attempt to as far as I can tell. You just keep putting up big walls of text that for the most part aren't your own work.


What's stopping you from actually engaging in a conversation?

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In this post I offer an opinion. Where I have listed two specific facts I give the links [http://www. Etc ] to where the extracted facts can be found. The Responsibilitiy Deal now has a link.


Having complied with the request by alsionmaniac moderator I hope you enjoy this post and can discuss some of the points I raise.


One respondent referred to the value of tax revenues from alcohol sales but I would question the moral attitude of the alcohol industry.


I’m not alone as questions have been asked in parliament with one MP who has attacked a report predicted to conclude the alcohol industry is not doing enough to foster a culture of responsible drinking.


Such a view has been expressed after leaks suggested the parliamentary inquiry would find the industry had broken pledges to act and should face tougher regulation unless it changed tack.


It may not be true to say the industry is not working hard to bring about more responsible drinking as the amount of time and effort put in by brewers to make the Responsibility Deal (agreed between the Government and food and drinks industry) deliver the kind of changes the Government wants to see.


However, a clear concern is that the issue lies with problem drinks rather than the industry as a whole and more work needs to be done on the issue of vodka and slammer-type drinks, which are more popular with young people.


MPs have rejected what reports suggest is likely to be among the key findings of the Commons health select committee inquiry into the Government’s strategy on alcohol.


However, there has been a wholeheartedly endorsement for another of the group’s forecast recommendations — backing for a minimum statutory price limit for alcohol, I would guess, of between 40p and 50p a unit.


When you can buy strong cider cheaper than water we have a problem with the pricing mechanism used by supermarkets. Nobody wants to hit the occasional drinker, but such discounted prices send the wrong message and encourage young people to drink more and more.


The brewers ploughed vast amounts of money into developing and marketing a brand, only for supermarkets to drive down the prices and sell it at huge discounts in order to get people in. Ministers introduced the Responsibility Deal [http://www.igd.com/.../4931/The-Public-Health-Responsibility-Deal] in a bid to persuade the food and drink industry to make voluntary changes instead of being forced to change their behaviour.

The committee is expected to acknowledge changes made by the food industry while highlighting ‘limited’ action by drinks firms.


Evidence heard by the MPs [ reference:https://hansard.parliament.uk]showed alcohol kills almost 15,000 people in Britain each year and costs the UK economy more than £21 billion, including £3.5 billion to the NHS [http://www.nhs.uk/pages/home.aspx]

Those figures far out- weigh the erroneous tax benefits of alcohol, which have been posted previously in an attempt to justify the terrible damage done by alcohol across our society.


The negative effects of alcohol abuse damage our NHS but this in financial terms, I would estimate, is around 15 per cent of the whole negative effect.


We see the ambulances, we are subject to the violence outburst and abuse but we may not be witnessing the lost days in production due to workers being unable to make it into work.


Clearly, the problem, at a cost annually of £21 billion cannot be ignored, excused or tolerated any longer. By multiplying the NHS cost I estimate the total. It is not a fact, but an estimation on my part. The only fact referred to has been referenced within the NHS site.


I hope this stimulates serious discussion.


Boy this is heavy reading. I don't drink anymore for health reasons but I won't go on and on like this its personal choice at the end of the day this heavy posting will not encourage people to debate it.

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He just continues to ignore facts about moderate drinking and bang on about drinking to excess.

Nobody disagrees that drinking to excess is harmful, he's strawmanning with that argument.


The points he fails to engage with (because of cognitive dissonance at a guess) are about moderate drinking and how it's actually beneficial to health, compared to his t-total regime.

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