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Wearing nightwear during the day!

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Whilst I agree with all the comments on this thread, I worry that this is just another trend which will just keep growing until it becomes the norm.


Its not really that much of a new trend anyway, for years I have seen blokes in the summer who think its perfectly acceptable to pop on nothing but a pair of tracksuit bottoms, beer gut hanging out and sweaty torso bared wandering around the supermarket.


Is it really any different than this bizzare sight of young women out in public, shopping and having lunch with rollers, curlers and hair nets on. Its it any different to the thousands out and about wearing skin tight leggins, big backsides poking out and underwear half way up their crack for the world to see.


IMO for shops the old skool "no shirt no service" signs needs to be updated.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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My wife laughs at me because although I will wear grey jogging bottoms around the house for comfort I will change in to trousers if I have to pop down to the shop.

I refuse to be seen in public in jogging bottoms unless I am out jogging.


Lol, I'm the same actually. My slobbing around the house attire (different again from what I sleep in) is reserved for the eyes of my fellow tinfoil towers residents and delivery drivers.

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I had to do it once recently - i needed a pharmacist and had ten minutes to get there before they closed.

So in clad in Avengers pjs, my furry slipper boots and an overcoat i drove straight to the pharamacist.


Outside that i wouldn't ever, although i have been known to visit my local Co op in my carpet slippers.


I think if you're poorly & need a pharmacists then I wouldn't bat an eyelid.


About 6 years ago I was rushed into Hallamshire Hospital and had my pjs on with my dressing gown and slippers. I was okay to leave 2 days later. It was mid afternoon when I was discharged by the doctor, but the dirty looks I got from people at the hospital entrance when I was waiting for my taxi were unbelieveable!

Perhaps I should've stood in the entrance & lit up a cigarette to really give the judgemental old beggars something to tut tut about! Either that or pull my pjs down & showed them my arse! :hihi:

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