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Sheffield Peregrine Falcons 2017

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Still no eggs in Derby. They were last to lay last year but not this far behind


There is usually one bird standing on the edge of their double nest but can never remember from one visit to the website to the next whether it is the same bird waiting for its partner to return or Mrs P waiting for the urge to push an egg out


---------- Post added 03-04-2017 at 18:00 ----------


Looks like the fun is starting in Derby - male and female in some kind of ritual in the scrape http://www.derby.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/parks-and-open-spaces/wildlife/peregrines/peregrine-camera-1/


Can't work out whether this is pre-mating or scrape building but they are certainly chattering away to each other


---------- Post added 03-04-2017 at 18:30 ----------


Still no eggs in Derby - looks like they were arguing over the remains of a blackbird which was tucked into the back of the box - once Mr P flew away Mrs P grabbed the remains and flew off herself.


At least I know the box is being watched over by a male and female so the chance of eggs could still be possible...........

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Every time I look, Mrs P is sitting on eggs,

usually looking rather sleepy.

Nothing else appears to be happening.

Is there a regular pattern for feeding time.

I never seem to see it.



I think it is a game of chance as to when you see the adults swap over, sometimes with food


It gets much more interesting once the chicks hatch

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Finally got a egg at Derby. Just looked in and there it was with mum standing over it



I was just about to write the same message although I've only just seen it - http://www.derby.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/parks-and-open-spaces/wildlife/peregrines/peregrine-camera-1/


At least it means we will still have chicks to watch after Sheffield and Nottingham have fledged


---------- Post added 07-04-2017 at 22:02 ----------


I wish Mr and Mrs P in Derby would realise that they have to keep the eggs warm at least every now and then http://www.derby.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/parks-and-open-spaces/wildlife/peregrines/peregrine-camera-4/


Two eggs for them now


---------- Post added 09-04-2017 at 22:15 ----------


This scrape looks the most luxurious of all the ones I have looked at



---------- Post added 15-04-2017 at 18:38 ----------


4 eggs in Derby now


Are we down to single figures yet for the countdown to chicks?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Amazed and heartened, to see there is so much interest in the peregrines. Had no idea, previously, that the network of observation was so extensive, across the country.



I agree. In around 8-10 days we'll start seeing the chicks hatching - and then it gets exciting.




Sheffield although i'm sure you will have seen this one http://peregrine.group.shef.ac.uk/peregrines/


Nottingham - https://www4.ntu.ac.uk/sustainabilit...ons/index.html


Norwich - http://www.forum.hawkandowl.org/live...ich-live-feed/


Bath - http://www.forum.hawkandowl.org/live...ath-live-feed/


Derby - http://www.derby.gov.uk/environment-...rine-camera-1/


Wakefield - http://wakefieldnaturalists.org/?page_id=2415


Warwick - https://open.ivideon.com/embed/v2/?server=100-fDIotrhzaPnBioLsZrUoEn&camera=65536&width=1280&height=720&lang=en&ap=&fs=&noibw=


and if you really want to get 'lost' in webcam time there is a big list of them on this website with both UK and overseas webcams listed http://www.london-peregrine-partnership.org.uk/peregrines-on-the-web.html



Have fun

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just spotted the date on live camera link ,why is everything going all american with the year first then month then day, when you give your date of birth you dont say it back to front annoying ah well , its like high five its like 24\7 its like group hug etc etc. rant over


That's not the american date format; in the US they do it very strangely, with the month first, then the day, then the year, for example today would be shown as 4/21/2017.


That's a problem because UK and US formats look very similar, ambiguously so: for example, is 3/5/2017 the 5th of March or the 3rd of May?


The format on the camera feed, with the year first e.g. 2017-04-21, is a newer international format, designed to be understandable by both people and computers, and very carefully designed not to be ambiguous.

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