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Do we need breakfast?

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I was watching Doc Martin, a drama, and he said to a patient that he should eat breakfast to keep up his blood sugar.


I have been cutting down on food recently, and breakfast is a good meal to skip.

What does the science say, do you believe in a good breakfast?

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I was watching Doc Martin, a drama, and he said to a patient that he should eat breakfast to keep up his blood sugar.


I have been cutting down on food recently, and breakfast is a good meal to skip.

What does the science say, do you believe in a good breakfast?


When you wake up in the morning your blood sugar level is low after we eat breakfast it goes up as the food we eat is turned into energy. When we are sleep we are fasting so when we wake up we need food to replace the energy we have used in the night.


So yes we need breakfast also it stop you from over eating later on in the day as you try to make up the short fall in energy. When trying to lose weight its important to eat something in the morning it doesn't mean the corn flakes or weetabix regime . I don't eat cereals but have fish or boiled egg with toast perhaps a light full English to break it up a bit the protein is a good source of energy better than high sugar cereals which help to keep an stable blood sugar level.

Edited by crookedspire
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When you wake up in the morning your blood sugar level is low after we eat breakfast it goes up as the food we eat is turned into energy. When we are sleep we are fasting so when we wake up we need food to replace the energy we have used in the night.


So yes we need breakfast also it stop you from over eating later on in the day as you try to make up the short fall in energy. When trying to lose weight its important to eat something in the morning it doesn't mean the corn flakes or weetabix regime . I don't eat cereals but have fish or boiled egg with toast perhaps a light full English to break it up a bit the protein is a good source of energy better than high sugar cereals which help to keep an stable blood sugar level.


A full English is all very good, but if you have it in Wetherspoons with a pint of Abbot, it defeats its purpose. :)

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When you wake up in the morning your blood sugar level is low after we eat breakfast it goes up as the food we eat is turned into energy. When we are sleep we are fasting so when we wake up we need food to replace the energy we have used in the night.


So yes we need breakfast also it stop you from over eating later on in the day as you try to make up the short fall in energy. When trying to lose weight its important to eat something in the morning it doesn't mean the corn flakes or weetabix regime . I don't eat cereals but have fish or boiled egg with toast perhaps a light full English to break it up a bit the protein is a good source of energy better than high sugar cereals which help to keep an stable blood sugar level.


When you eat the digestion turns/splits the food into sugars and proteins breaking them down and absorbing them into the bloodstream. If we do not need to use the sugar part of the nutrients right away it is stored in the liver as glycogen. In a person with a normally working system homeostasis is maintained by the release of certain types of hormone and Insulin is one of these which breaks down the glycogen into sugars usable as energy by the body. Where there is not enough insulin or conversely too much sugar/Glycogen we accumulate the extra load as fat cells. It is thought that humans developed this ability to store fat as a defence against starvation in times of famine. Unfortunately our modern lives have lead to many more people developing accumulated fat problems. There are also some genetic problems which cause people to overeat. Recently it has been discovered that Leptin(another hormone) has a great role to play in appetite regulation and too little causes people to feel hungry.


Break fast, I deliberately split what is usually written as one word. As someone else pointed out is the first meal of the day and breaks your fast. Some while ago research was done into whether or not people should eat before or after exersise. It was shown that less fat would build up if we eat after exersise and metabolism still working is the reason when your metabolism is raised as after exersise we burn off the fuel efficiently. I am affected by eating a meal in a way that slows me down for some time afterwards. My personal preference is for doing some work before eating the first meal of the day, but that is not always possible, Mid morning work breaks are not usually long enough tio eat a proper meal. Interestingly Farmers usually early risers, tend to do some work before returning to the farmhouse to eat a large cooked breakfast and barring accidents tend to live long healthy lives.

Edited by Margarita Ma
added another paragraph.
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I spent 24 years in the army not having breakfast. I used to smoke roll ups and was known for always having a black coffee on the go of which I used to drink gallons on a daily basis. My first meal was normally lunch unless operational necessity dictated otherwise.

I was fit as a butchers dog and always in the top 10 percent of the fittest in my unit, this in my late 30s into my early 40s.

Even now in my mid 50s I still run and lift weights, admittedly not as fast or heavy and still do not eat breakfast.

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, skipping it is like setting off for a 200 mile drive with an empty tank.


Mine is generally a bowl of greek yoghurt, muesli and fresh fruit.


And what do you think your breakfast consists of?


I see dairyfat starches and sugars admittedly the fruit gives fibre too so healthier than sprinkling from the bowl.

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a weatherspoons breakfast and a pint = 1100 calories. around 50% of the days needs for an average bloke and the breakfast is 49% fat


all in all just a huge pile of crap. may as well eat lard.


So, I have to cut out the lard as well now ? :mad:

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