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Do we need breakfast?

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I typically eat two meals a day, a kind of brunch at around 11am which is usually either cereal and toast or a sandwich, then a cooked dinner at about 6.30 - 7pm. Years ago I read somewhere that you should allow yourself to get properly hungry between meals, that it's good for you to be running on empty for at least a short while every day and I adopted this approach. The result was that I lost 10kg quite quickly and then it levelled off and I've never put it back on.


I'm exactly the same as you lector.

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I eat two meals a day. Breakfast is a bowl of muesli and two slices of bread and marmalade. I then eat nothing until dinner, and nothing after dinner. To drink I have either tap water or black coffee with no sugar. If I had anything in addition to that I would put weight on.

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I find this an interesting topic.

I can't eat for about 2 hours after I get up. I have no appetite and cannot stomach food. Does anyone else feel like this when they first get up?


Yes I prefer to just have a drink when I wake and to eat later. Years of going to work without breakfast just a cup of tea or coffee, no milk.

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I was watching Doc Martin, a drama, and he said to a patient that he should eat breakfast to keep up his blood sugar.


I have been cutting down on food recently, and breakfast is a good meal to skip.

What does the science say, do you believe in a good breakfast?


If I miss breakfast by 10 o,clock it feels like I'm walking using someone else's legs, by dinner time I'm almost passing out.

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It makes me feel very sick, and I've found it makes me more hungry for lunchtime. If I don't eat breakfast, I can easily skip lunch too if I need to.


I found that too but started eating a slice of toast when I had to start taking tablets for blood pressure,

Turns out it was the wrong thing for me to have, as I later found that I am coeliac.

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It depends what you mean by need and what you had the day before.


If what im doing in the morning is cerebral, then I will be able to concentrate better if I have had some food.


If it doesnt matter, then I can live off the glycogen until it runs out and go on empty for some time.


If im going to do exercise, then I prefer to have eaten enough carbs to fuel it. I think the glycogen lasts about an hour and then you have no fuel and you will have to go to protein.



Complex carbs. Porridge is an ideal breakfast to fuel your morning. Running out of carbs when you need them is cack. Oy might eb you dont have a strenuous morning or demanding job wjere you need to be at peak, so are unlikely to notice the difference.

Edited by 999tigger
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although I am not a Marxist, I regard breakfast as being western, and in particular British imperialist, although the British used the Americans as these proxies, to march their breakfasts onward, throughout the world. Hence you see it, totally disgracefully, on Mcdonald's menus in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta.


the sheer nerve of it.


all that bacon/ham and eggs sausage etc, fried bread and black pudding, or hash browns if you are American, as if you need that kind of garbage to eat in the morning, is shameless British-in-origin propaganda.


and it's British, not English - there is no difference between an English, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish breakfast.


even cereal, is suspect. Although it's modest and if it's porridge or Muesli or something it's reasonably healthy, it's still guilt, by association.


Europeans content themselves with a croissant or three and a cup of coffee.


Africans, and Asians well they just eat whatever is left over from the night before in the morning. What's wrong with that? Why should breakfast have this special status, as a meal that nobody would ever dream of eating at any other time except the morning?



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I'd go along with everything written here.



I've started eating just 2 meals a day, at roughly noon and 6pm. I also exercise (usually interval training) at around 9am. I don't have any problem exercising on an empty stomach. I do feel hungry by late morning, but not dizzy, lightheaded or in any way under the weather.


I've not been doing it long, so don't know what impact there is/will be on my weight. However, I have always tended to eat more at any meal than I really need, so reducing the number of meals is likely to reduce my total calorie intake.

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