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Do we need breakfast?

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I've started eating just 2 meals a day, at roughly noon and 6pm. I also exercise (usually interval training) at around 9am. I don't have any problem exercising on an empty stomach. I do feel hungry by late morning, but not dizzy, lightheaded or in any way under the weather.


I've not been doing it long, so don't know what impact there is/will be on my weight. However, I have always tended to eat more at any meal than I really need, so reducing the number of meals is likely to reduce my total calorie intake.


Your weight might actually increase.Fasting increases human growth hormone, so you might put on muscle, though probably lose fat. Some people eat within a small window but train beforehand to take advantage of this effect. You certainly don't need breakfast to maintain blood sugar levels, but maybe if you consistently eat it, or eat late at night, the normal HGH release when you're asleep, which ensures good blood sugar levels on awakening, is somewhat compromised. Fasting is a very effective way of lowering insulin levels. It's a pity more diabetics don't understand this and give it a go.

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although I am not a Marxist, I regard breakfast as being western, and in particular British imperialist, although the British used the Americans as these proxies, to march their breakfasts onward, throughout the world. Hence you see it, totally disgracefully, on Mcdonald's menus in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta.


the sheer nerve of it.


all that bacon/ham and eggs sausage etc, fried bread and black pudding, or hash browns if you are American, as if you need that kind of garbage to eat in the morning, is shameless British-in-origin propaganda.


and it's British, not English - there is no difference between an English, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish breakfast.


even cereal, is suspect. Although it's modest and if it's porridge or Muesli or something it's reasonably healthy, it's still guilt, by association.


Europeans content themselves with a croissant or three and a cup of coffee.


Africans, and Asians well they just eat whatever is left over from the night before in the morning. What's wrong with that? Why should breakfast have this special status, as a meal that nobody would ever dream of eating at any other time except the morning?




Lol its already been explained why you might eat breakfast.


there is no difference between an English, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish breakfast.


There are regional differences actually so you are wrong. Also very few people eat cooked breakfasts these days.


Its irrelevant which country you are in, its whether you actually need food in the morning and what difference if any it makes.


Nobody wuld ever dream of eating? People eat food during the day, if its later its called Brunch.



Lol@ Oppression. You are mad.


---------- Post added 30-01-2017 at 00:33 ----------


I've started eating just 2 meals a day, at roughly noon and 6pm. I also exercise (usually interval training) at around 9am. I don't have any problem exercising on an empty stomach. I do feel hungry by late morning, but not dizzy, lightheaded or in any way under the weather.


I've not been doing it long, so don't know what impact there is/will be on my weight. However, I have always tended to eat more at any meal than I really need, so reducing the number of meals is likely to reduce my total calorie intake.


You have enough glycogen to last you about 90 mins. When you use it up then you really fall off a cliff in terms of performance. You probably arent buring it all up. theres very little performance or weight loss benefit in fasted cardio. It is personal preference.


Weight loss is about calorie deficit. You shoudl weigh your food and track to make sure you are in deficit if you wish to lose. You cna also work out how much you burn. Unless you are in the gym for hours then it would yake quie a lot of effort ti burn the 3500 calories per llb needed for weight loss, which is why its more about food and the amount you eat.

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You have enough glycogen to last you about 90 mins. When you use it up then you really fall off a cliff in terms of performance. You probably arent buring it all up. theres very little performance or weight loss benefit in fasted cardio. It is personal preference.


Weight loss is about calorie deficit. You shoudl weigh your food and track to make sure you are in deficit if you wish to lose. You cna also work out how much you burn. Unless you are in the gym for hours then it would yake quie a lot of effort ti burn the 3500 calories per llb needed for weight loss, which is why its more about food and the amount you eat.


Having watched Horizons 5/2 diet program some months ago; being hungry is good for you, with many people being over weight, perhaps they dont understand this.

The negative effects of being hungry on your body may all be in the mind?

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although I am not a Marxist, I regard breakfast as being western, and in particular British imperialist, although the British used the Americans as these proxies, to march their breakfasts onward, throughout the world. Hence you see it, totally disgracefully, on Mcdonald's menus in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta.


the sheer nerve of it.


all that bacon/ham and eggs sausage etc, fried bread and black pudding, or hash browns if you are American, as if you need that kind of garbage to eat in the morning, is shameless British-in-origin propaganda.


and it's British, not English - there is no difference between an English, Scottish, Welsh, or Irish breakfast.


even cereal, is suspect. Although it's modest and if it's porridge or Muesli or something it's reasonably healthy, it's still guilt, by association.


Europeans content themselves with a croissant or three and a cup of coffee.


Africans, and Asians well they just eat whatever is left over from the night before in the morning. What's wrong with that? Why should breakfast have this special status, as a meal that nobody would ever dream of eating at any other time except the morning?





I never knew there were breakfast experts, You know what an expert is don't you? No. It's a has been under pressure.

Which is what this looks like.

Chill Man.

What do you think hash browns and bubble and squeak are? They are left overs from the day before. Sausages are made from breadcrumbs and the less desirable bits of leftover meat when an animal is butchered and black pudding from the blood that is drained off mixed with trimmed fat.

If people don't want or need a particular Item of food there is as far as I know no compulsion to buy.

Edited by Margarita Ma
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, skipping it is like setting off for a 200 mile drive with an empty tank.


Mine is generally a bowl of greek yoghurt, muesli and fresh fruit.


a weatherspoons breakfast and a pint = 1100 calories. around 50% of the days needs for an average bloke and the breakfast is 49% fat


all in all just a huge pile of crap. may as well eat lard.


Could not agree more with both posts.


I also find breakfast sets the trend for the day,if I start unhealthy then good chance I will eat that way all day.


Much as my diet is not perfect the thought of all the fat thats in a weatherspoons breakfast turns my stomach.

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You know what an expert is don't you? No. It's a has been under pressure.


the best version of that much regurgitated 'quote', which has become a bit of an urban myth, is this one :


Q. what is an expert?


A. an 'ex' is something in the past, and a 'spert' is a spray, that never made it.


that is one of those anonymous quotes, that has become a bit of an urban legend. Nobody knows, but it probably originated in some newsroom somewhere.


one things for sure though. Though nobody knows who they were, whoever's tongue that rolled off for the first time, was probably a hell of a lot wittier and smarter than you.

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I must eat something in the morning because my blood

sugar drops and I got shakes and dizziness.

Usually tost and coffee. Maybe croatian pate if I go running later. For some reason, I just can't get into belgian

and other pates available here.


I sometimes eat full english as lunch. It suits perfectly to my taste. I know it's not healthy, but I like it and I eat it once in two weeks.

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