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Does jail work?

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Very interesting posts Markd. Very happy that you've turned your life around.


Out of interest has the prison service kept in touch or tried to assess exactly how you managed to do this?

I would have thought that the key to rehabilitation is to find out why/how some criminals don't re-offend and try and apply those reasons to others.

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Surely it depends on what people objectives are for a prison sentence.


Do you want them to come out and not re offend - never going to work.

Do you want them to suffer - never going to happen, apparently the lack of freedom is the punishment.

Do you want to encourage them to be better people - never going to work.


The reasons it won't ever be significantly effective is the same as the reasons behind incarceration - everyone has a different point of view.

The only societal benefit from jail is that the offenders are off the street not offending and that i think is as good as it will ever be.

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A snowflake basically somebody who cant handle other people having an opinion, so they either go off on one or sit and have a little cry, but they usually find like minded snowflakes to gang up on the people with a different opinion. They just ain't got the mental toughness.






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Surely it depends on what people objectives are for a prison sentence.


Do you want them to come out and not re offend - never going to work.

Do you want them to suffer - never going to happen, apparently the lack of freedom is the punishment.

Do you want to encourage them to be better people - never going to work.


The reasons it won't ever be significantly effective is the same as the reasons behind incarceration - everyone has a different point of view.

The only societal benefit from jail is that the offenders are off the street not offending and that i think is as good as it will ever be.



Our justice system has 3 tenets.

Punishment - of the guilty

Protection - of the public from someone who is a danger

Rehabilitation - of the guilty again, so that they don't commit further crime.


We want all 3 to be achieved. Jail achieves at least 2 of them, but arguably the 3rd is the most important in the long term.

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Our justice system has 3 tenets.

Punishment - of the guilty

Protection - of the public from someone who is a danger

Rehabilitation - of the guilty again, so that they don't commit further crime.


We want all 3 to be achieved. Jail achieves at least 2 of them, but arguably the 3rd is the most important in the long term.


I can't say that the third isn't an admirable objective - but it isn't going to happen in significant numbers.

How can you rehabilitate a drug dealer when half of the community doesn't think he needs rehabilitating. Either because they use or think drugs should be legalised.


The first i think is the concern of many victims, they don't always see the (sometimes short)loss of freedom as a punishment compared to their loss.

So that leaves protection as the only achievable objective.

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