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Does jail work?

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A snowflake basically somebody who cant handle other people having an opinion, so they either go off on one or sit and have a little cry, but they usually find like minded snowflakes to gang up on the people with a different opinion. They just ain't got the mental toughness.


Sounds like a gang of narcissist.

Edited by Erin
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Dose jail work ! To be honest I don’t think it dose you here of people who spend most of there lives in prison who come out for a while but prefer to be inside where it’s warm 3 meals a day and a bed and tv at no cost as they say it’s better than what I have on the outside ,I’m sure some people will learn not to go back

But sadly some people never learn ,and will never be able to cope outside jail

How we cure this !no idea

Edited by lien1
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Just read about an American female teacher being jailed for 30 years for having sex with her 16 year old pupil.

If they have a good good parole system that lets them out early, but 30 years is a very long time, too long.

Isn't a 20 year sentence considered to be a life sentence in this country? Granted, offenders may need 5+ years to repent and think about some crimes, but does jail work?

I heard someone in the news, saying that we lock many more people up, compared to years ago.

Jail works for some. Does not work for others. People are different.

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The is a prison in Russia and life in there is so horrible that when a person gets out they have never reoffended in fear of going back and wardens said they have never seen same inmate coming back for a second term .also there is a prison camp in California if I remember where inmates are made to wear pink underwear and live under canvas tents regardless of weather when interviewed nearly all those said they never wanted to go back so both these prisons must have some positive effect on the inmates


I don't know about Russia but would say it's much better if you do end up in prison it's much better to be in prison in England than in some third word places. There are also stories about prisons in places like Norway and Sweden that are much better than prisons here and they say they have much lower rates of reoffending but am sure people wouldn't be happy with that type of system either.


That place in USA was Tent city in Arizona (not California). It got closed down recently and the guy that ran it Shriff Jor Apario got kicked out and was up in court himself for disobeying court orders. I read about it and it's no way to treat people. He had chain gangs too and used to boast that he spent more on feeding guard dogs than he did on the average prisoner there.


I think people need to realise that there are many more prisoners than guards in prison and unless you have some really tough regime that they can only run if the prisoners and guards co-operate with each other if you know what I mean.


That's why they have different categories of prisons and in a prison differenr regimes in prison - basic, standard and enhanced. If you do your courses and keep out of trouble you get enhanced where you get more privileges. Same time if you don't you get put on basic where you lose privileges.


I would hate to be a prison officer. Some hate the job and can take it out on prisoners but i found most OK as long as you didn't cause them problems. But I wasn't a troublemaker. Some lads there spend their times giving out about the screws but I just saw them as ordinary people just doing a job. Some of them wouldn't be all that different to me but they were just on the other side of the bars. They could have just as easily ended up in my place if they had done stupid things like me.


One thing I think is crazy is that they are starting to ban smoking in prisons. Nearly everybody in prison smokes and banning that is going to make things worse for prisoners and the guards too.


Very interesting posts Markd. Very happy that you've turned your life around.


Out of interest has the prison service kept in touch or tried to assess exactly how you managed to do this?

I would have thought that the key to rehabilitation is to find out why/how some criminals don't re-offend and try and apply those reasons to others.


No didn't have any contact with them after I got released. I think that's a good thing but I know what you mean. When I was on license I had to meet my Probation Officer every month to make sure I was sticking to my license conditions.


One thing I did then was take part in a programme that they were eunning where they had some ex prisoners go into schools and talk to lads about how we ended up in prison and try to get them to stay out of trouble. They also had victims of crime. I did 3 of those. Don't know if it did any good but it sort of helped me a bit back then.


It's different for everybody but prison made me realise that I didn't want to end up having to go through that again and what I put my family through. I think alot of people who end up in prison for the type of things I did (doing stupid stuff when drunk, getting into fights) just grow out of it when they get older. That's why it's mainly people in their 20s/30s who are in prison.

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